
Showing posts from September, 2024

Richard Blumenthal unloads on Joe Biden

I never thought I'd live to see the day when a Far-Left leftist like Sen. Richard Blumenthal unloads on Joe Biden. Satan must be handing out figure skates in Hades. Now I've seen everything. According to this article , "Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-CT, chairman of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (PSI) within the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC), said the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was 'almost derelict in its duty by resisting our requests for documents, evidence and information that are necessary to investigate. The Democrat reiterated his disappointment in the department and added that he has become 'angry' that DHS has not been more 'forthcoming.'" Coming from a Far-Left leftist Democrat like Sen. Blumenthal, them's fighting words. This isn't surprising considering this is Secretary Mayorkas' department. This underscores the dysfunctionality of a Mayorkas-run department. Simply put, S

The DNC's Alan Dershowitz problem

Alan DErshowitz is creating a host of problems for the DNC. Accordfing to this article , "Prominent attorney Alan Dershowitz announced his departure from the Democratic Party, citing several 'anti-Jewish' lawmakers that make up the ranks of the party and the recent Democratic National Convention in which Vice President Kamala Harris became the party's presidential nominee." Dershowitz is a skilled negotiator. It wouldn't be surprising to hear someone accuse Dershowitz of pulling a stunt in order to gain better treatment of Israel. Dershowitz made it clear that he's disgusted with the DNC's mistreatment of Israel: Speaking with radio host Zev Brenner on "Talkline with Zev Brenner," Dershowitz cited the DNC, which he said gave legitimacy to anti-Israel speakers, and anti-Israel protesters outside the gathering. "It was the most anti-Jewish, anti-Israel, anti-Zionist convention I've experienced," he said. "I was disgusted at t

Kamala Harris's elusiveness problem

Kamala Harris supposedly crushed Donald Trump in Tuesday night's debate. Kim Strassel's latest article disputes that. Actually, voters dispute that opinion. According to Strassel's article, "Tuesday’s debate postmortem is the best example yet. The press is fist-pumping over Kamala Harris’s “win,” how she went about “eviscerating [Donald] Trump,” how she turned in (no joke) “one of the more resounding debate performances in recent decades.” Republicans are still stewing over biased moderators, even as they grudgingly admit Mr. Trump blew it. Social media is mixed on whether Taylor Swift’s endorsement seals victory for the vice president." For the record, I thought that Harris earned a B- while Trump earned a C+ for their performances. Harris was too prepared. Trump was too agitated. Both candidates failed to connect with the people. The closest anyone got was Trump's closing statement: Back in the real world, this is all ridiculous. There was no winner in this