Is this Donald Trump's race to lose?

When it comes to retail politicking, Donald Trump is one of the best in the business -- ever. In 2015 at the Iowa State Fair, Trump showed up with his corporate helicopter and started giving kids rides. That it was a little ostentatious didn't matter to him. It helped him win over voters, which was his goal.

He's back to winning over new voters, this time in Kittanning, Pennsylvania. Salena Zito writes "Jennifer Krantz was in the checkout line at Sprankles grocery store in this Armstrong County city with her three boys, Brayden, Eddie, and Frederick, along with her husband, Bryant, when former President Donald Trump handed the clerk waiting on them a $100 bill. 'Here, it is going to go down a little bit,' Trump told the clerk, to everyone’s astonishment." Trump is still the America First guy:

"U.S. Steel was the greatest corporation in the world 70 years ago — it was the biggest, best in the whole world,” Trump said, adding that "we have to bring that greatness back," but under American ownership.
"We can’t have foreign companies owning our steel companies where they can close it down, in case there’s a war in Asia," he explained of a military conflict scenario in which a foreign-owned American steel company would call for it to be closed down.

"We would need that steel for our army tanks and our ships and everything else," Trump said. "We can’t let steel companies be bought by foreign companies. We have China that wants to buy a couple of steel companies. I say, ‘You can’t do that.’ You just can’t do that.""Trump finishes by saying "Tell the steelworkers I’m for them." This is what separates Trump from the globalists. It's why his supporters are so supportive of him. That isn't the only reason for his steadfast support but it's one of the reasons.

This article should cause lots of heartburn:

Voter disgruntlement with Democrats, the Biden-Harris agenda, and the downward direction of America have given former President Donald Trump and the Republicans a big edge in the election. In a poll even liberal media outlets won’t be able to ignore, Gallup said on Tuesday that of the 10 key issues it charts to determine which side is up or down, the Republicans lead in nine.

The Republicans are underwater only on the approval of Congress, and voters don’t like either party on that. "The political environment suggests the election is Trump’s and Republicans’ to lose," the polling outfit said. "Nearly every indicator of the election context is favorable to the Republican Party, and those that aren’t are essentially tied rather than showing a Democratic advantage," Gallup added.

This is how to make a splash in a grocery store:

This isn't glamorous like reading off horserace polling statistics but it's important nonetheless:
"Republicans previously have not had an outright advantage in party affiliation during the third quarter of a presidential election year, and they have rarely outnumbered Democrats in election and nonelection years over the past three decades," Gallup said.
This is why this is Trump's race to lose. More people in the battleground states identify as Republicans than as Democrats. Pennsylvania once had 900,000 more registered Democrats than registered Republicans. Today, there are 350,000 more registered Democrats than Republicans, a drop of 550,000 voters.

That's why Trump will, at minimum, be competive in PA.


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