Richard Blumenthal unloads on Joe Biden

I never thought I'd live to see the day when a Far-Left leftist like Sen. Richard Blumenthal unloads on Joe Biden. Satan must be handing out figure skates in Hades. Now I've seen everything.

According to this article, "Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-CT, chairman of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (PSI) within the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC), said the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was 'almost derelict in its duty by resisting our requests for documents, evidence and information that are necessary to investigate. The Democrat reiterated his disappointment in the department and added that he has become 'angry' that DHS has not been more 'forthcoming.'"

Coming from a Far-Left leftist Democrat like Sen. Blumenthal, them's fighting words. This isn't surprising considering this is Secretary Mayorkas' department. This underscores the dysfunctionality of a Mayorkas-run department. Simply put, Secretary Mayorkas apparently doesn't feel tethered to the truth or duty. This is what to expect from Secretary Mayorkas in terms of truth:

Watch Ted Cruz's cross-examination. It's painfully obvious that Mayorkas's responsibility is to put out the Biden administration's narrative and to shoot down the Republicans' interrogations. It's instructive that Mayorkas hasn't changed during his entire time in DHS. Secretary Mayorkas was hired as a political hack. That's all he'll ever be. That's why Sen. Blumenthal is hopping mad.


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