Kamala Harris's elusiveness problem

Kamala Harris supposedly crushed Donald Trump in Tuesday night's debate. Kim Strassel's latest article disputes that. Actually, voters dispute that opinion. According to Strassel's article, "Tuesday’s debate postmortem is the best example yet. The press is fist-pumping over Kamala Harris’s “win,” how she went about “eviscerating [Donald] Trump,” how she turned in (no joke) “one of the more resounding debate performances in recent decades.” Republicans are still stewing over biased moderators, even as they grudgingly admit Mr. Trump blew it. Social media is mixed on whether Taylor Swift’s endorsement seals victory for the vice president."

For the record, I thought that Harris earned a B- while Trump earned a C+ for their performances. Harris was too prepared. Trump was too agitated. Both candidates failed to connect with the people. The closest anyone got was Trump's closing statement:

Back in the real world, this is all ridiculous. There was no winner in this televised scrum; only a nation of hardworking losers. Millions of Americans came home after a long day of work and tuned in hoping for answers to their daily struggles with inflation, migrants, crime. They instead got moderators obsessed with Beltway-bubble issues, and candidates who relitigated old disputes.
Any reporter who is in touch with voters (Salena Zito comes to mind) knows that voters are looking for solutions. They aren't looking for a Beltway mouthpiece who spouts meaningless platitudes all day long. (That's what VP Harris does.)
Reuters interviewed 10 swing voters after the event and gave the story an intriguing headline: “Some undecided voters not convinced by Harris after debate with Trump.” That’s one way to put it. “Six said afterward they would now either vote for Trump or were leaning toward backing him,” the piece explains. One remained undecided. Three backed Ms. Harris.
In other words, the moderators weren't the only inside-the-Beltway idiots that got Tuesday's presidential debate wrong. Apparently, the pundits got things wrong, too. I don't think that the debate moved people much. Then again, that likely helps Trump because he's in better position in the battleground states at this point. People haven't been happy with VP Harris because she's been secretive.

Apparently, this is the people's way of telling VP Harris that that they won't vote for her if she won't open up to them. A 4-line issues page doens't qualify as a legitimate issues page. Kamala Harris is stuck on the same old answers:

During a rare interview, Harris was asked if people were better off than they were 4 years ago. Instead of replying yes or no, she again replied that she grew up in a middle class neighborhood. Some people never learn.


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