What's happening with the Sue Ek-Dan Wolgamott race?
The more I dig into the race between Sue Ek and Dan Wolgamott, the more confusing things get. Sue Ek was interviewed by WCCO-TV's Esme Murphy on Monday. According to the brief news segment , the Minnesota Secretary of State's website said that the race between Sue Ek and Rep. Wolgamott was last updated at 11:08 PM on 11/05/2024 with Sue Ek leading with 9,704 votes compared with Rep. Wolgamott's 9,700 votes with 55 write-in votes. Clearly, that's easily within the 0.5% margin to qualify for a state-paid-for recount. That's when things got strange. Murphy then narrated that "When the page refreshed, the District 14B page showed Democrat incumbent Dan Wolgamott ahead. He now has a 191-vote lead." Actually, it doesn't say that. It shows Rep. Wolgamott leading with 50.4% of the vote and 1,005 total votes. Sue Ek has 9,814 votes, which represents 49.4% of the vote. What's on the screen doesn't say what time it was last updated at or on what date it