
Showing posts from July, 2024

Kamala Harris's America, public safety edition

During his St. Cloud rally Saturday night, former President Trump frequently focused on the Biden-Harris soft-on-crime policies, which I wrote about in this post . Unfortunately, there's an overabundance of proof that it isn't just Biden and Harris whose policies are soft-on-crime. This article is unfortunately too common in Minneapolis. According to the article, "The Minneapolis Police Department issued a press release Sunday night recapping a violent Aquatennial weekend that included 10 violent incidents, of which three were homicides— including two shootings and one stabbing—and said they’re asking for help from other law enforcement agencies to quell the violence." Minneapolis, think about Minneapolis as a frigid L.A. In 2021, Harris applauded L.A. Mayor Garcetti for cutting the LAPD budget by $150,000,000. That doesn't sound like a tough-on-crime prosecutor. That sounds like a defund-the-police member of the Squad. First, Minneapolis doesn't sound like a

Kamala Harris "is a wonderful candidate"?

According to a person quoted in this article , "I think we have a wonderful candidate in Kamala Harris." The man quoted, Greg Spofford of Little Falls, also said "I’m a little concerned about Donald Trump and the possibility that he’ll become our president again." Considering the prosperity we experienced during the Trump years compared with the Bidenflation and the affordability crisis that we're experiencing during the Biden administration, we should be worried. Americans should be worried about what's coming from these leftists. These people are unhinged in their thinking. For instance, Rita Buntje, a member of Indivisible, drove to St. Cloud from Wilmar, said "We want to look toward the future and not toward the past. This is about freedom — all of our freedoms — reproductive rights, women’s rights, gun control. That’s why we’re here. To show that there are like-minded people in this state who feel the same way. We want to keep it blue." That&#

Donald Trump, J.D. Vance visit St. Cloud, MN

Donald Trump rallied with J.D. Vance, Trump's VP-to-be, in my hometown of St. Cloud, MN last night. To say it's a big deal is understatement. The crowd inside the Herb Brooks Center was max capacity, as was the overflow crowd outside the Brooks Center. Let's start with stating that this was easily the biggest event in St. Cloud. The event had multiple highlights sprinkled throughout the night. The biggest highlight, personally, was when Trump invited "Shannon Owen on the stage with him. She is the widow of Pope County Deputy Josh Owen, who was killed in the line of duty in April 2023. What's most amazing about this event is the poise Shannon showed while talking about her late husband and all the men and women who wear the blue. I particularly enjoyed her saying "we need to do what Trump said and overfund the police." Amen to that, Shannon. That won't happen if Kamala Harris is elected. We can't let that happen. This is the video of Shannon's

Kamala Harris' first major defeat

It didn't take long for Democrat presumptive nominee Kamala Harris to suffer her first significant defeat as the Democrats' presidential nominee. Thursday morning, 6 moderate Democrats voted with all Republicans in condemning Harris' mishandling of the border. Fox is reporting "Six Democrats joined all Republicans in voting for the measure, which passed 220-196. The House Democrats who voted for the resolution are Reps. Jared Golden, D-Maine; Marie Gluesenkamp Perez, D-Wash.; Mary Peltola, D-Alaska; Henry Cuellar, D-Texas; Don Davis, D-N.C.; and Yadira Caraveo, D-Colo." Rest assured that President Trump will use this vote to criticize Vice President Harris as being weak on the border now that she's the presumptive Democrat presidential nominee. This vote is just too perfectly packaged for criticizing VP Harris. This is the video of the vote condemning VP Harris: My question is simple. How long will it take before Texas Democrats to distance themselves from VP

Joe Biden's patriotic surrender declaration

Wednesday night, Joe Biden addressed the nation from the Oval Office for the 4th time in his presidency. It's telling that 3 of those addresses have happened in the last year (Ukraine, the assassination attempt on President Trump and tonight's announcement that he's gotten pushed out of office by President Obama and Nancy Pelosi. I watched the speech. I found the speech to be dishonest and typical of Joe Biden. When I read the transcript of the speech , each dishonest statement popped off the page at me. I won't highlight each of those dishonest or deceptive statements but you'll get the picture. Let's start with an early statement that must get highlighted. In that statement, Biden said "America is going to have to choose between moving forward or backward, between hope and hate, between unity and division. We have to decide, do we still believe in honesty, decency, respect, freedom, justice and democracy? In this moment, we can see those we disagree with

Joe Biden out, Kamala Harris in; a sideways swap?

Now that Kamala Harris has enough delegates to become the Democrats' presidential nominee, it's time to figure out if Democrats are better off today. Thankfully, Mark Penn and Andrew Stein have written  this op-ed on the subject. To say that their op-ed isn't filled with compliments is understatement. Stein and Penn open their op-ed by saying "Joe Biden has done the right thing at perhaps the wrong time, paving the way for Vice President Kamala Harris, but don’t expect any wholesale changes in the dynamics of the presidential race. After that, Penn and Stein open both barrels, saying "Mr. Biden should never have run at all, and it is a tribute to the power of the Democratic machine that he advanced as far as he did. Absent the loony idea to have a 90-minute debate before he formally secured the nomination, he likely would have cruised onto the ballot and been kept under wraps until October." Then they dropped the hammer on Harris: Had he withdrawn a year ago

The Democrats' dishonesty machine

For months, if not 2-3 years, Republicans have said that Joe Biden wasn't mentally healthy enough to be president. We were called conspiracy theorists, if not worse. Then came the 80th Anniversary Celebration of D-Day, followed by the G-7 Summit in Italy. Those events stopped the Democrats' Joe Biden charade. At that point, Democrats tried telling us that Joe was fine, that he was sharp as a tack, yada, yada, yada. That didn't last long. It lasted until June 27, to be precise. That's when Joe Biden walked onto the debate stage in Atlanta. That's when Joe put in one of the worst debate performances in history. Check this discussion out: That's what panic sounds like. That's where the push to remove Biden started in earnest. Before that, Democrats knew that Biden was cognitively impaired but they chose to hide that impairment. It's impossible to hide Biden's impairment for the entire 90-minute debate. That debate started the Democrats' campaign to

Peter Navarro's return

Peter Navarro left federal prison Wednesday morning. By Wednesday night, Navarro was in Milwaukee, WI, delivering a fiery speech at the Republican National Convention . In an interview with the AP, Navarro said "I’m a small part of the bigger issue. If we don’t control the government, the government will control us." Merrick Garland, Joe Biden's wingman AG, told reporters last month "The idea that politics infects our prosecutions, nothing could be further from the truth. We have one rule. We follow the facts, and we follow the law and we make the appropriate decisions." Garland's mouth says one thing. The courts say the opposite. Jonathan Turley wrote this article . In that article, Turley wrote "Georgia Democrats are challenging efforts to place Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and three other candidates on the state’s presidential ballots. With Biden struggling in the polls and the vast majority of voters viewing him as too enfeebled to serve another four years

Elon Musk rescues the GOP GOTV

The WSJ is reporting that Elon Musk is contributing to a superPAC with the intent of helping the GOP catch up with the Democrats' mail-in ballot operations: Elon Musk has said he plans to commit around $45 million a month to a new super political-action committee backing former President Donald Trump’s presidential run, according to people familiar with the matter. Other backers of the group, called America PAC, include Palantir Technologies co-founder Joe Lonsdale, the Winklevoss twins, former U.S. ambassador to Canada Kelly Craft and her husband, Joe Craft, who is chief executive of coal producer Alliance Resource Partners. If this reporting is accurate, and there's no reason not to think it isn't, then this is a significant upgrade in the GOP's GOTV and voter registration operations. Factor in the GOP's enthusiasm gap and the possibility for a wave election increases significantly. It's a safe bet that JD Vance will virtually live in the Rust Belt. That will

Joe Biden's half-hearted unity speech

Sunday night, Joe Biden gave his third address to the nation from the Oval Office, this time on the subject of national unity. I'm with Dana Perino on the speech. It was a great opportunity but Joe didn't rise to the opportunity. Instead, it seamed like Biden's speech seamed half-hearted. That's why I've given this article the title of "Joe Biden's half-hearted unity speech." Biden opened his speech by saying "Someone opened fire at a Trump rally in Western Pennsylvania on Saturday, leaving one bystander and the shooter dead. Two other rally attendees were badly injured and the former president was grazed by a bullet on his right ear. Thankfully, former Trump is not seriously injured. I spoke with him last night and I'm grateful he's doing well." I'm thankful that President Trump is healing. Rumor has it that he's rewriting his acceptance speech to be a call to unity. I hope that rumor is true. Real unity is required. What we

Donald Trump, Uniter-in-Chief?

Who knew that Donald Trump's true calling in life was to be our Uniter-in-Chief? As ridiculous as that sounds, that's the role he took after the assassination attempt on his life. A little after 6:00 pm ET, Thomas Matthew Crooks shot Trump just after he had started his rally. This morning, Trump took to Truth Social to send this message : Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers yesterday, as it was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening. We will FEAR NOT, but instead remain resilient in our Faith and Defiant in the face of Wickedness. Our love goes out to the other victims and their families. We pray for the recovery of those who were wounded and hold in our hearts the memory of the citizen who was so horribly killed. In this moment, it is more important than ever that we stand United, and show our True Character as Americans, remaining Strong and Determined, and not allowing Evil to Win. I truly love our Country, and love you all, and look forward

Will Joe Biden be an historic president?

With Democrats worried sick about a possible wave election, there's another question creeping into the conversation. Back in March 2021, Biden invited some presidential historians into the White House for a conversation about what type of goals he should set for his presidency. They urged him to set his goals high. They urged him to think in terms of trying to be the next FDR or LBJ. As Biden's presidency circles the drain, Democrats like Pelosi and Obama plot against Biden . Meanwhile, support for Biden has virtually disappeared. These are definitely difficult times for Democrats. Do they blow up democracy to avoid annihilation this November? Do they nuke the presidency of their incumbent president? Then again, what's the big deal? Democrats prevented Robert Kennedy Jr. from gaining access to the ballot. Democrats then made sure that Dean Phillips didn't stand a chance. Karma's a Bitch Because Democrats ran the most undemocratic primary since 2016 and 2020, the le

Joe Biden's Big Boy presser

People that spent the whole day waiting for Joe Biden's Big Boy presser waited an extra 2 hours for it to start. After a brief statement that sounded more like a stump speech, Biden finally called on a reporter to ask a question. To nobody's surprise, Biden said he had a list of reporters to call on. This time, Joe called on Jeff Mason of Reuters. Mason then asked Biden "What concerns do you have about Vice President Harris's ability to beat Donald Trump if she were at the top of the ticket?" Biden immediately replied "Look, I wouldn't have picked Vice President Trump if I didn't think she was qualified to be president. This USA Today article described the exchange differently. In the USAToday article, it was worded "I wouldn't have picked her unless I thought she was qualified to be president, from the very beginning I made no bones about that." I watched the presser. I know what was said. USAToday got it wrong. The question I referen

Chuck Schumer, professional backstabber edition

Never should it be said that Chuck Schumer isn't willing to stab political allies in the back. It's important to remember that Schumer didn't hesitate in stabbing Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu in the back when he didn't immediately agree to a cease-fire with Hamas. Then, Schumer took to the Senate floor to say that Israel would be better off "with a different, more moderate government." This time, Sen. schumer didn't need to travel outside the U.S. to find his target. Axios is reporting that "Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is privately signaling to donors that he's open to a Democratic presidential ticket that isn't led by President Biden. In public, Schumer has been insistent that he is 'for Joe.' In private, he's singing a different tune." Sen. Schumer is 2-friends-in-one, each with its own face, apparently. How lovely. Axios also states that Sen. Schumer, former President Obama and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi&

Special Counsel Jack Smith's good news

Former AG Michael Mukasey opened his WSJ op-ed with some good news for Special Counsel Jack Smith by writing "The good news is that he may not have to confront the thorny issues stemming from the Supreme Court’s presidential immunity decision." Unfortunately for Smith, Mukasey's op-ed is similar to Harry Truman's frustration with economists. Specifically, Truman was constantly in search of a one-armed economist. He reportedly was annoyed with economists telling him good news, then saying "On the other hand..." I've never learned whether Truman ever found that one-armed economist. I guess I'll have to wait until the hereafter to find that out. Unfortunately for Smith, there's also a heaping helping of bad news for him. The full opening paragraph says "There’s good news and bad news for special counsel Jack Smith. The good news is that he may not have to confront the thorny issues stemming from the Supreme Court’s presidential immunity decisi

Joe Biden, abandoned and alone edition

This morning, Shannon Bream subtly dropped a bombshell onto the deck of the Biden campaign. Bream announced "Our team spent days reaching out to dozens of lawmakers, Biden advocates, and allies, but not a single guest was willing or able to come on to defend Joe Biden." When even Chris Coons isn't available to defend Biden, that isn't bad for Biden. That's terrible for Biden. As usual, Sen. John Kennedy put it best when he said "Most people in Washington would unplug your life support to charge their cell phone." That's why people hate Washington, DC. Joe Biden is the quintessential DC insider. He's lived there half a century. It shouldn't be surprising, then, that Scott Jennings highlighted DC's hypocrisy . During a panel discussion, Jennings said "The entire thesis of the campaign was democracy is on the ballot. If I was a Democrat who hasn't blinked since January of 2017... and I heard Joe Biden admit that it's all just

Angie Craig calls for Joe Biden to leave race

Staying true to her spineless moderate political persona, Angie Craig called on Joe Biden to leave the 2024 presidential race . If she's the least bit observant, Craig first noticed that Biden was a few bubbles off center when it comes to an acuity test. In Politico's opening paragraph, it says "The Minnesota lawmaker’s statement on Saturday morning makes her the fifth House Democrat to call for Biden to step aside since his debate with Donald Trump." It contimues, saying "Given what I saw and heard from the President during last week’s debate in Atlanta, coupled with the lack of a forceful response from the President himself following that debate, I do not believe that the President can effectively campaign and win against Donald Trump." Not once did Ms. Craig express concern about whether Biden was fit for the most difficult job on the planet. Not once did she say that Biden isn't fit for the job. What Ms. Craig expressed concern about is how this is

Ari Fleischer on Joe Biden's interview: the worst of all worlds

Friday night, Joe Biden sat down for an interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos. According to Ari Fleischer, "the outcome was the worst of all possible outcomes ." Fleischer tweeted "This interview was the worst of all worlds for the Ds. Biden committed no real flubs. He didn’t do anything to force himself out of the race. But he appears old, weak, tentative and he’s losing to Trump. So Biden will dig in and stay. The Ds are stuck. " I'll disagree with Ari only in that Biden's stubbornness was annoying. When questioned by Stephanopoulos about trailing Trump, Biden said that he trailed Trump the entire way in 2020 but he still won despite the pundits' predictions. The problem is that he didn't trail in most national polls that year. If he led most of the way, there wouldn't have been any pundits predicting his defeat. BIG OOPS! The other thing that stood out was how often Biden insisted that Trump was a liar. One time, Biden intimated that

Happy Independence Day; let's build a nation worthy of our Founding Fathers

This Independence Day, our great nation doesn't have the luster that it did when the Revolutionary Army defeated the British. When that final battle was won, we started a nation built on governing principles that had never been tried before. 248 years later, we're still the preeminent nation in the world. A reading of the Declaration of Independence instructs us as to what the Founding Fathers' highest priorities were. The start of the second paragraph famously states "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." This was unlike the British form of government in that the U.S. form of government required We The People to give our consent to being governed and that it's

Joe Biden: unfit to run, unfit to serve

After last Thursday's disaster, people have been calling for Joe Biden to end his campaign. Today, I'm calling for Joe Biden's resignation from office. Yes, I know that means 6 months of Kamala Harris as our president. Yes, that's terrible. Whether Kamala is president or Joe is, what difference at this point does it make? The Joe Biden we saw in Atlanta last Thursday is incapable of handling presidential responsibilities. Joe didn't have the mental capabilities to answer simple questions, much less handle international crises. To have KJP tell us that Wandering Joe is a "cheap fake" is insulting. Having KJP tell us that Barack Obama leading Joe offstage at a Hollywood fundraiser was an expression of friendship isn't spin. It's an insult to the American people. The latest BS from the Democrats is that Joe had "a bad night" last Thursday. That's a lie. Last Thursday night, Joe had another episode of dementia. It was there in plain sight

DA Bragg agrees to Trump sentencing delay

Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg has agreed to delay President Trump's sentencing . CBS is reporting that "Prosecutors for Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg said they are not opposed to delaying Donald Trump's sentencing for his criminal conviction in the wake of the Supreme Court's ruling that former presidents enjoy broad immunity for official acts." According to Fox News Legl Analyst and FNC Contributor Leo Terrell, this is a direct result of yesterday's SCOTUS ruling. According to Terrell, the SCOTUS ruling on immunity doesn't just affect federal cases. It affects any case involving the president. Terrell said that this is a good sign for Trump. After the ruling yesterday, Trump's team said that they'd be appealing Trump's conviction. CNN is reporting that "Donald Trump will not be sentenced on his business fraud conviction until September, a New York judge ruled Tuesday in the wake of Monday’s Supreme Court decision on presidential imm

Neal Katyal intentionally lied about Supreme Court's Trump Immunity Ruling

Former Acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal isn't a stupid man. He's just a propagandist. You don't attain the rank of U.S. Solicitor General by being stupid. Katyal is dishonest, though. The proof I have is that he intentionally mislead the American people when he said "I want to read to you from what Justice Sotomayor says at the end of her dissent. I've never seen language like this in a Supreme Court opinion. She says, quote, 'Never in the history of our republic has a president had reason to believe he would be immune from criminal prosecution if he used the trappings of his office to violate the criminal law. Moving forward, however, all former presidents will be cloaked in such immunity. If the occupant of that office misuses official power for personal gain, the criminal law that the rest of us must abide will not provide a backstop.'" First, before getting to Katyal's intentional dishonesty, let's admit that Katyal's spin came fro

Sunday was Joe Biden vs. Donald Trump Day

If you visited the RealClearPolitics website , you'd be overwhelmed with articles that are either pro-Trump or pro-Biden. Some are informative while others sound like they were written by blithering idiots. Rather than go through the entire menu, let's look at Jen O'Malley's tweet from wherever Alice-in-Wonderland lives. Ms. O'Malley isn't crazy. She just isn't terribly honest. In the opening paragraph of Ms. O'Malley's tweet, she wrote "It’s a familiar story: Following Thursday night’s debate, the beltway class is counting Joe Biden out. The data in the battleground states, though, tells a different story. On every metric that matters, data shows it did nothing to change the American people’s perception, our supporters are more fired up than ever, and Donald Trump only reminded voters of why they fired him four years ago and failed to expand his appeal beyond his MAGA base." That's what I'd expect from Team Biden. First, people li