
Showing posts from August, 2024

Tim Walz's leadership questioned again

Since being picked to be Kamala Hrris's running mate, Tim Walz has been buried in controversy. The first controversy he got buried in his stolen valor controversy. That's when he insisted that he'd retired at the rank of Command Sargeant Major after serving in Iraq. Because he didn't serve in Iraq, hedidn't retire at that rank. He retired one rank short of that (E-8 instead of E-9). The next controversy Walz got embroiled in is the George Floyd Riots. According to this article , "Walz’s Republican vice presidential counterpart, Sen. JD Vance of Ohio, is now publicly accusing Walz of letting 'rioters burn down Minneapolis.' The sometimes misleading or false claims are being echoed in Republican attack ads and on social media." There's nothing misleading about the claims. Tim Walz let the riots run for 3 days before taking action.In that time, buildings burned, people's life savings were lost and families' lives were interrpted. How did G

Inflation's silent killer

Since September of 2021, the Biden administration has told working families a variety of excuses for why their paychecks weren't stretching as far as they stretched when the Trump administration was in office. It's easy to explain why. During the 4 years of the Trump administration, prices rose 7.76% from start-to-finish. Something that cost $100 at the start of the Trump administration cost $107.76 at the end. That's a rather modest amount of inflation. By comparison, something that cost $100 at the start of the Biden administration costs $121.32 today. That's s rather steep price to pay for inflation during the Biden administration. Let's fix that for accuracy. The Biden-Harris administration. After all, VP Harris cast the tie-breaking votes on the $1.9T American Rescue Plan that touched off the inflation firestorm and the tie-breaking vote on the $1.2T Inflation Reduction Act. It's essential that we cut spending immediately and change policies to get prices d

Kamala Harris's chameleon conundrum

This week has been a week of anticipation for the MSM. I've chosen to ignore that frenzy since I think we already have the answers to Kamala's chameleon conundrum. Last week, Kamala insisted that she was the tough-on-the-border candidate. She insisted that she was a moderate, not a Far-Left San Francisco liberal. This week, 'reporters' are still pretending they don't know the answer. It's time to end this charade. It's time to stop pretending that Kamals stopped believing in Medicare for All, as Jessica Tarlov insisted Monday night. Tarlov insisted that the Biden administration made lots of improvements on universal health care. That isn't true. Harris didn't just agree with Sen. Sanders bill. She co-sponsored Bernie's bill. All that's left to determine is whether did that because she believed in that policy or if she just tried stealing some votes. That's a big thing to determine, though. Either way, it means she isn't trustworthy. W

Kamala Harris vs. Michaelah Montgomery, mismatch edition

If Donald Trump wants to defeat Kamala Harris, he'll deploy Michaelah Montgomery, aka Trump's secret weapon. It's long past time for Trump to deploy his secret weapon. Kamala Harris, aka the Kackling Pantsuit, is signaling that she'll soon tell us actual policy positions in the near future. It's time to paint Kamala as a fake. It won't take long to finish that job. In the NPR article, it says "On the campaign trail, Harris talks about the economy in bold, yet broad terms. 'We believe in a future where every person has the opportunity to build a business, to own a home, to build intergenerational wealth — a future with affordable health care, affordable child care, paid leave,' Harris told a crowd in Atlanta last week, when for the first time in her nascent campaign, she put out details around her economic platform. 'All of this is to sa: Building up the middle class will be a defining goal of my presidency.'" Where's the policy? Ho

DFL politicians gone dishonest

Friday night on TPT Almanac, the script was pretty detectable. The script was this: Tim Walz is amazing. If you're looking for flaws, you're looking at the wrong guy. Rep. Jamie Long, (DFL-Minneapolis), is the Majority leader of the Minnesota House. Last night, he said that a national reporter noticed that he was wearing a camouflage-colored cap in his VP rollout picture. The reporter said that must be a hoax to enhance his Midwest image. Long immediately informed the reporter that Walz was the best shot in Congress. That'd be quite a trick considering the fact that Rep. Cory Mills was a sniper when he served in the military. Snipers are the guys that make 1,000-yard shots from a perch. Their idea of missing a shot is one shot in a 5-shot clip outside the bullseye at 500-yards. Tim Walz isn't that good. Later in the program, Andy Brehm said that Gov. Walz showed little leadership with the George Floyd Riots, which is indisputable. Former legislator Karla Bigham insisted

Kamala Harris's momentum is disappearing

I wrote here that Gov. Walz "was VP Harris's first major mistake." Let's look at this from another, more important, angle though. Prior to her VP pick, the Harris campaign was riding some momentum. With the ton of stolen valor stories about Gov. Walz, that momentum has disappeared. The 2 things are intertwined. She could've picked someone better as her running mate. That in turn, would've kept the campaign's momentum going. Thankfully, she made the worst choice possible. As Dandy Don Meredith used to say, "Big Mo has left the building." By picking a nobody from a safe state was stupid enough. By not picking the charismatic guy from the biggest battlegoumd state in the nation must demoralize Democrats. The MSM will try disguising the fade of that demoralization but it's theree. Then again, this decision will please the antisemite wing so there's that. Then again, it'll depress Jeweish voters, perhaps even driving the to the GOP. Mea

Is Tim Walz Kamala Harris's first major mistake?

Anyone that watched Monday night's rally in Philadelphia most likely thought that Josh Shapiro stole the show.  Monday night was supposed to be VP Harris's introduction of Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate. Instead, the rally turned into the 2028 coming out party for Josh Shapiro. It's obvious that Kamala Harris was showing us who she really is or that she isn't a good judge of political talent. If she picked Little Timmy to keep the Dearborn Palestinians on her side, then she's an airhead strategist. Little Timmy won't add anything to the ticket. People are already figuring it out that he's a liar. Articles on Little Timmy's stolen valor are popping up. One of the best analysts at MSNBC is Steve Kornacki. After the Walz pick, the Daily Caller reports "MSNBC data reporter Steve Kornacki said Tuesday that Democratic Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota may not be able to move the needle in key states as the party’s vice-presidential nominee." Here's

Minnesotans are NOT Surprised by Harris VP Pick

Minnesotans are NOT Surprised by Harris VP Pick by Ramblin’ Rose VP Kamala Harris is not frequently attributed with making smart decisions, but she is recognized as a chameleon. Media sources have "removed" video clips from her previous stands on issues. The GOP has accused her of "flip-flopping," but supporters claim she is human and has evolved on several issues. I disagree. She IS a chameleon that lifts her zygodactyls feet to test the political winds and stretches her tongue, two-three times the length of her body, to examine her environment as it changes so that she might adjust. Consequently, choosing Tim Walz to be her running mate is no surprise. Harris correctly dropped Josh Shapiro when she realized that he had stronger personal aspirations on the national political scene than to serve as her lapdog. While she must win Pennsylvania and Michigan to reach the requisite number of electoral college votes, she could not appease her anti-Israel voters in MI with

Kamala Harris picks Tim Walz as running mate

This morning, Kamala Harris picked Tim Walz , the previously unknown governor of Minnesota, to be her running mate. This is an historic pick in that it's the first time in history that neither candidate won a single delegate or a single primary on the nominatint schedule. According to the article, "Vice President Kamala Harris has selected Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her vice presidential running mate, according to three sources with knowledge of the pick, adding a popular Midwestern state executive to the Democratic ticket as the party gears up to hold onto key northern battleground states this fall."Most people haven't learned about how dishonest Gov. Walz is. Think of him as a frumpy version of Gov. Newsom. Better yet, think of Walz as Bob Newhart to Newsom's Tom Selleck. People haven't found out how inept Gov. Walz is, too. Think of him as the 'George Floyd Riots' governor. He's the governor who didn't respond to the riots until the third da

The Joe Biden-Kamala Harris gut punch

For 2+ years, Americans dealt with record inflation. This month, the American people took a gut punch. When the July jobs report came in, it reported that the American economy created just 114,000. What's worse is that the June jobs report was revised downward by 27,000, from 206,000 to 179,000 jobs. President Reagan is right. You can't be pro-jobs if you hate employers. The Biden-Harris administration hates employers because it isn't pro-Drill, Baby, Drill. It isn't pro-employer because it wants to raise taxes on employers. The Biden-Harris administration isn't pro-employer because it keeps pretending that it doesn't need to adjust its philosophy. As long as they keep buying into the Green New Deal, inflation won't get fixed. As long as they keep spending foolishly, inflation will keep hurting families. It's that simple. This paragraph highlights just how willing the Biden-Harris administration is to deny reality: When it comes to what is most importan

WE the People—Our Priority is America First ... Who Meets Harris’ Priorities?

 WE the People—Our Priority is America First ... Who Meets Harris’ Priorities? By Ramblin' Rose Politicians hope that the public forgets; we usually do. However, the internet reveals many hidden secrets. Kamala Harris probably stands among the former as she considers 'applicants' for the position of VP on her “assumed” nomination at the DNC. Today the media report three finalists on the short list. Harris appears to be trying to reverse her stand on all issues except abortion. Her finger is checking the political winds— for herself and her running mate. Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro has his own skeletons. While he claims to stand with Harris on their "history and commitment to the rule of law," internet records reveal another "truth." On July 24, 2024, the Freedom Foundation filed three complaints of alleged illegal use of $150 million dollars from the Pennsylvania State Education Association (PSEA) and the Democratic Governors Association (DGA) to

Kamala Harris: tough-as-nails prosecutor? Or wimpy politician?

VP Kamala Harris didn't attend the annual National Association of Black Journalists in Chicago. Is that proof that she's a tough-as-nails prosecutor? Is it proof that she's a wimp who didn't want to appear on the same stage with Donald Trump? Is it because she didn't want to answer Harris Faulkner's tough-but-fair questions? Is VP Harris simply not ready for the big political stage? Is it all of the above? I'm betting she isn't the tough-as-nails prosecutor. That's just image. That isn't reality whatsoever. There's little reality about Kamala Harris outside her voting record. Even there, the corporate media is attempting to whitewash that history. Kamala Harris isn't "a tough-as-nails prosecutor." She didn't want to meet Trump. That's what cowards do. She ran rather than face Trump. Trump would ask her questions that'd pin her down. That's what Harris Faulkner did, too. The last thing VP Harris wanted was to be p

Tim Walz, career politician, professional pain-in-the-arse

Somehow, Minnesota's Gov. Tim Walz has found his way onto VP Kamala Harris's VP shortlist, That's quite amazing considering the fact that Kamala Harris didn't win a single delegate to be the Democrats' 2024 presidential nominee. If that explanation is a bit dizzying, permit me to explain. Last year, the DNC rigged the rules so only Joe Biden could earn presidential delegates. (At least, that's how it seemed.) Further, DNC operatives did their best to bury Donald Trump in lawfare lawsuits and criminal indictments. Despite all the lawfare, Trump is now the official GOP presidential nominee. It's astonishing that Trump's still standing, Biden is retiring, Obama is still running the DNC and Tim Walz is a candidate to be Kamala Harris's running mate. That being said, it's astonishing to think that Tim Walz is a VP finalist . Walz isn't a legitimate VP candidate but he plays one in today's Democrat Party: Walz has developed some bad habit: Demo