Kamala Harris vs. Michaelah Montgomery, mismatch edition

If Donald Trump wants to defeat Kamala Harris, he'll deploy Michaelah Montgomery, aka Trump's secret weapon. It's long past time for Trump to deploy his secret weapon. Kamala Harris, aka the Kackling Pantsuit, is signaling that she'll soon tell us actual policy positions in the near future. It's time to paint Kamala as a fake. It won't take long to finish that job.

In the NPR article, it says "On the campaign trail, Harris talks about the economy in bold, yet broad terms. 'We believe in a future where every person has the opportunity to build a business, to own a home, to build intergenerational wealth — a future with affordable health care, affordable child care, paid leave,' Harris told a crowd in Atlanta last week, when for the first time in her nascent campaign, she put out details around her economic platform. 'All of this is to sa: Building up the middle class will be a defining goal of my presidency.'"

Where's the policy?

How do you pay for these things? Is government always the right answer? Check this out:

In her presentatation, Michaelah ripped Kamala, saying "Trump gave you a choice. Biden gave you a mandate" when talking about the MRNa COVID vaccine. Since Kamala thinks like Joe so frequently, it's safe to think that they think alike on this.

If we're being honest, let's admit that Michelah is more on the ball than Kamala. Get Kamala of her teleprompter and she morphs into Word Salad Lady.


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