WE the People—Our Priority is America First ... Who Meets Harris’ Priorities?

 WE the People—Our Priority is America First ... Who Meets Harris’ Priorities?

By Ramblin' Rose

Politicians hope that the public forgets; we usually do. However, the internet reveals many hidden secrets.

Kamala Harris probably stands among the former as she considers 'applicants' for the position of VP on her “assumed” nomination at the DNC.

Today the media report three finalists on the short list. Harris appears to be trying to reverse her stand on all issues except abortion. Her finger is checking the political winds— for herself and her running mate.

Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro has his own skeletons. While he claims to stand with Harris on their "history and commitment to the rule of law," internet records reveal another "truth."

On July 24, 2024, the Freedom Foundation filed three complaints of alleged illegal use of $150 million dollars from the Pennsylvania State Education Association (PSEA) and the Democratic Governors Association (DGA) to fund his gubernatorial campaign.

"PSEA’s scheme to secretly launder nearly $1.5 million in members’ dues through the Democratic Governors Association to support Josh Shapiro’s 2022 candidacy appears to have violated both an array of Pennsylvania laws and the Internal Revenue Code," said Maxford Nelsen, the Freedom Foundation’s director of research and government affairs.

He continued, "In the process, PSEA executives displayed as much contempt for their own members as they did for Commonwealth law and voters. Pennsylvania teachers deserve to know that their union’s assurances that the dues deducted from their hard-earned paychecks aren’t being used to back political candidates are worth no more than a politician’s campaign promises."

The complaints:

  1. Alleges violations of the Election code and specific criminal statutes by the PSEA, FSS, and DGA
  2. Alleges violations of the Public Employee Relations Act by PSEA filed with the Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board
  3. Alleges the Fund for Student Success submitted a fraudulent 2022 tax return, was filed with the Internal Revenue Service, the U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Philadelphia field office Shapiro apparently swept a sexual scandal under the proverbial rug by authorizing a settlement by his office with a woman who accused his ally and legislative liaison Mike Vereb of sexual harassment in 2023.
Will Harris consider his Jewish faith to garner votes and his position in a Rust Belt state or his skeletons?

Another name on the short list for Harris is Mark Kelly of Arizona...a border state. Kelly was a naval officer, former astronaut, former senator and is a businessman. His business dealings have triggered reasons for concern.Kelly cofounded World View Enterprises in 2012, an aerial surveillance company with both federal government contracts and funding from Tencent Holding Unlimited, one of China’s largest tech companies with connection to the CCP. Venture capital from Tencent was noted in 2013 and 2016 also.

In 2019, new leadership moved to protect World View from all involvement with Chinese investors. However, many still question if there are remnants between the early investments and the Chinese surveillance balloon that traversed our nation in 2023.

While his wife Gabrielle Gifford was a member of the US House of Representatives in 2011, Kelly disclosed a net profit of $50,000 for Shaklee speeches that year. Between 2011 and 2016, Kelly made numerous speeches in China and the US for the marketing company from California. Will Harris consider his reputation as a “centrist” from a border state or his reported financial ties to the CCP?

Closer to home is MN governor Tim Walz. Reportedly Walz was playing coy about his chances to serve as VP. He said “I don’t know if every high school geography teacher expects to be in this position at some point...."

Minnesotans remember his delay for three days in activating the National Guard as "peaceful protesters" burned an entire section of Minneapolis to the ground.

The Walz administration ignored the warning signs of fraud and allowed the Feeding Our Future $250 million scandal, the largest case of fraud during the pandemic.

When the Democrats gained control of the MN House, Senate and governor’s mansion, in the Left increased the state budget by nearly 40% in one year. The Left spent a $19 billion dollar surplus and added another $10 billion in new taxes to fund their progressive wish list. In addition to California-style energy policies, Walz and his army welcomed illegal immigrants with driver’s licenses, healthcare, free education and became a sanctuary for abortions until the time of birth and for persons seeking sex changes.

Under Walz’s leadership, MN schools are burdened with CRT/DEI academic standards in social studies and mathematics for at least the next ten years and licensure (initial and renewal) that focus on identity politics and not on our children.

Will Harris select the current leader of the Democrat Governors’ Association or the socialist/Marxist leader in the Midwest?

WE the People still salute the Stars and Stripes and treasure our God0-given rights.


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