Minnesota Supreme Court paints DFL into corner

Friday night, the Minnesota Supreme Court, which is filled with DFL operatives, painted the House DFL into a corner. Friday night, the DFL Supreme Court "ruled in favor of the DFL and Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon in the ongoing power-struggle in the Minnesota House, saying Republicans did not have a quorum to conduct business with only 67 votes." In so doing, the DFL is being expopsed as the political party that hasn't shown up for work this year.

This started when a retired judge secretly 'swore in' House DFL legislators the night before the legislative session was supposed to start. This is illegal because Minnesota's Constitution gives specific instructions on when the swearing in is supposed to happen. The DFL pulled this stunt to get paid their salary and their per diem. That's a PR mightmare for the DFL because the DFL has stayed away in total. The DFL insists that they're entitled to getting paid because they're working from home or the DFL is talking to constituents in the district.

I don't give a damn if the DFL is pretending to work. Making 2-3 phone calls a day isn't work. Collecting pay while going ice-fishing instead of putting a budget together or submitting legislation isn't working. It's what lazy people do. (Does DFL stand for Democrats' Free Lunch?) Apparently, the DFL hasn't noticed that the $18,000,000,000 ($18 BB) projected surplus in 2023 is now a $616,000,000 projected surplus in 2025. In 2027, Minnesota is projected to run a $5,100,000,000 deficit.

Still, the DFL is talking happy talk:

At some point soon, the DFL will have to start doing real work. They'll have to start putting a legitimate budget together complete with legitimate numbers. Talking about the budget in the abstract won't work. Further, the DFL won't get away with throwing the GOP a sop in the bonding bill to pay the GOP off. This time, Republicans will require major reforms that will put the state budget back firmly in the black. The DFL's gimmick of raising taxes every couple of years won't work this time. Legitimate fiscal restraint will be required this time.

Right now, the DFL isn't working. Further, the DFL isn't even pretending to be interested in doing their jobs. If the DFL keeps pretending to work without actually working, there's no reason to keep the DFL in the majority. Throw the bums out should become Minnesota's battle cry. It's time Minnesotans start demanding the DFL actually work. What the DFL is doing now is a joke.


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