The DFL's defiance demonstrated

The DFL is about to enter their second week of playing hooky. They insist that they've been properly sworn in. Further, the DFL insists that their playing hook constitutes meeting their obligations that follow with taking the oath of office.

This entire episode is riddled with oddities. First, let's examine retired Hennepin County Chief Judge Kevin Burke's role in this disputed swearing-in ceremony. In an interview with MPR, Burke explained that "I got a call from the [DFL Speaker Melissa Hortman] — would I be willing to do the swearing in? I have sworn in many public officials over the years [and] I've been on the bench since 1984. Frankly, it’s a little bit like calling up a judge and saying, ‘Would you do a wedding for me on Sunday night,’ and I went.

It didn't seem odd that the only people there were DFL legislators? The explanation that he's done lots of swearing-in ceremonies doesn't come close to passing the smell test. IT's one thing to swear in a person after they've won a special election. It's quite another to swear in an entire political party for the House. When's the last time a secret swearing-in ceremony wws held for the House DFL? HINT: It hasn't.

Further, Judge Burke didn't swear in 67 DFL House members. According to this article, "Friday’s Supreme Court ruling said 'a writ of special election could not issue until sometime after the start of the legislative session, which began on January 14, 2025, with the specific date for the writ’s issuance depending on any actions by the House. The writ of special election for House District 40B, issued on December 27, 2024, is quashed as having been issued prematurely,' the court said."

The Quorum fight

From Walter Hudson:

Hortman isn't doing anything unprecedented in that this isn't the first time the DFL has played hardball. Otherwise, it's totally unprecedented. Check this out:

If the DFL keeps playing hooky until the HD-40B special election is settled, which seems likely, the GOP should campaign on the DFL playing hooky while collecting a paycheck plus daily per diem without doing any legislative work. Further, the DFL House members should be sued for getting paid without working.

Simply put, the DFL is corrupt, they don't thinkt that the rules apply to them and they're arrogant enough to ignore a judge's orders. Unfortunately, this isn't surprising with the DFL.


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