Joe Biden vs. Donald Trump: debate of the century or dud of the century?

Minutes after last night's debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, Democrats were worried whether they'd need to replace Joe Biden on their ticket. CNN and MSNBC went into panic mode. Joe Biden's performance was that terrible. Politico is reporting "President Biden hoped to build fresh momentum for his re-election bid by agreeing to debate two months before he is formally nominated. Instead, his halting and disjointed performance on Thursday night prompted a wave of panic among Democrats and reopened discussion of whether he should be the nominee at all."

This started a month ago when Biden invited Trump to debate -- if Trump agreed to walk into the lion's den, aka CNN. I wrote this post in an attempt to inoculate himself from debates. An hour after Biden put out the invitation, Trump accepted. Since then, I've told many friends that, at that moment, Team Biden likely looked like the dog that caught the car. In other words, that's the last thing the dog wanted to happen.

THE Defining Moment

This was the defining moment of last night's debate:

"I don't know what he said at the end of the sentence and I don't think he does either." That sums things up perfectly.

Then there's this:

Mr. Biden’s goal in accepting a general election debate earlier than ever held in presidential history was to recalibrate the contest as a choice between him and a felon who tried to overturn an election and would destroy American democracy if given the power of the presidency again. Mr. Biden left the CNN studio in Atlanta instead facing a referendum on himself and his capacity that will reverberate for days if not longer.
If Biden Drops Out

It's widely reported that Democrats are panicking. Whether that panic turns into them forcing Biden out at the DNC is stil a major question. That question is getting more attention, though:

Let's see today if 'The Bed-Wetter Wing' of the DNC reappears. They're certainly the noisiest part of the Democrat Party right now.


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