BREAKING NEWS: Joe Biden challenges Donald Trump to presidential debate

If you're a Trump supporter, something unexpected happened this morning. A miracle happened this morning when Joe Biden challenged Donald Trump to a pair of presidential debates. The first debate is thought to be this June after Trump's trial. The other presidential debate would be in September, after the conventions. A third debate, a vice-presidential debate, is proposed for late July after the Republican Convention.

Check out this Biden tweet challenging Trump to debate:

That's stunning. The Biden Campaign edited that video 5 times to create a 14-second video!I suspect that Biden wanted to look like he's the guy driving the agenda. It didn't take Trump long to respond: It took just 73 minutes for Trump to respond. This reset things from the standpoint that Trump took back the offensive posture. In his response, Trump said this:
Crooked Joe Biden is the WORST debater I have ever faced -- He can't put two sentences together! Crooked is also the worst president in the history of the United States, by far. It's time for a debate so he can explain his to the American people his highly destructive Open Borders Policy, new and ridiculous EV Mandates, the allowance of Crushing Inflation, High Taxes, and his REALLY Weak foreign policy.
Check this out:

Let's get serious about this debate analysis by Mr. Enten. I'd throw out the 2020 data because it was run under what should be considered 'Pandemic Rules.' Joe Biden got 12,000,000 more votes in 2020 than Barack Obama got in 2008. In what universe does that seem possible? The likelihood that Joe Biden gets 81,000,000+ votes this year is virtually nonexistent. In fact, subtract the virtually.

I'll be stocking up on the popcorn before the June debate. You're all invited. This should be fantastic entertainment for political nerds.


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