The U.N.'s 2-State Solution fantasy

It's been interesting to see Bill Clinton essentially blow up the fantasy known as the Israeli-Palestinian 2-State Solution. I wrote in this post that "It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that you shouldn't attempt to put Palestinians right next to Israelis. Palestinians hate Jews to the point that they've stated in Hamas's charter that their goal is to eliminate the Jewish state."

Apparently, I'm not the only person with common sense to realize the 2-State Solution isn't the solution. It's the Uniparty's default position in the same way that comprehensive immigration reform is their default position on immigration. Steven Hayward's article highlights Bill Clinton setting the facts straight on his proposed 2-State Solution.

Clinton said "I killed myself to give the Palestinians a state. I had a deal they turned down that would have given them all of Gaza... between 96 and 97% of the West Bank, compensating land in Israel, you name it." Seeing is believing:

It should be clear that establishing side-by-side territories for Israel and the Palestinian terrorists is foolish. As I said earlier, Hamas wants to eliminate all Jewish people from the earth. In that respect, they're no different than Hitler's Nazis. I respect Clinton's attempt to solve the Israeli-Palestinian problem. He just wasn't cynical enough. Clinton thought he was dealing with a rational politician in Arafat.

Whether we're talking about Arafat, Abbas or another Palestinian politician, the story doesn't change. Every book in Gaza that has a map of the Middle East doesn't show Israel. In the Palestinians' theology, Israel isn't allowed to exist. This is why every Palestinian student is indoctrinated from their first day in school. This is the type of indoctrination Palestinians receive:


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