Juan Williams, DNC clickbait machine

For years, Juan Williams was just another liberal partisan hack. After writing for the Washington Post for 23 years, Williams left for NPR, where he got fired. These days, Williams isn't just a liberal partisan hack. He's a blithering idiot liberal partisan hack. Little of what he's written the past year makes sense.

Williams' latest column for the Hill could've been mistaken as being written by his grandchildren when they were in high school. In this morning's column, Williams wrote "House Republicans’ impeachment inquiry is plainly a sham, a modern-day Star Chamber. My question to right-wingers is, why stop at Hunter-gate? Why not expand the scope of the investigation to President Biden’s role into other nothingburger inquiries of recent vintage, such as Benghazi, Hillary Clinton’s emails, Solyndra and Lois Lerner?"

Williams is either incredibly corrupt, which is a distinct possibility, or he's terminally stupid, which isn't that likely. It's far more likely that Williams isn't aware of the mountains of evidence that Chairmen Jamie Comer, Jim Jordan and Jason Smith have put together.

Check this out:

Despite years of innuendo from GOP members of Congress swirling around the right-wing media echo chamber, no one has produced evidence that even remotely suggests President Biden committed an impeachable offense of a "high crime or misdemeanor."

"The time for impeachment is the time when there’s evidence linking President Biden, if there’s evidence linking President Biden to a high crime or misdemeanor. That doesn’t exist right now," said Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.).

Williams isn't stupid enough to believe that Chairman Comer has built a case based on innuendo. Jonathan Turley explained to Sean Hannity what evidence he's seen in the Hunter Biden-Joe Biden investigation in this interview:

Prof. Turley explained that influence-peddling alone isn't a crime. Prof. Turley said "it often involves criminal acts to carry out the influence-peddling." As for Rep. Buck, he's a weasel. Buck either didn't know that Devon Archer testified in his deposition that a) Joe Biden was "The Brand", b) Burisma wouldn't have survived without "The Brand" and c) Hunter was hired so that investigators wouldn't mess legally with Burisma.

Devon Archer isn't just some hanger-on groupie type. He sat on the Burisma board, just like Hunter. His testimony for the deposition isn't just evidence; it's direct, eyewitness evidence. Democrat Rep. Dan Goldman tried discrediting Mr. Archer's testimony but failed. We know this because the Committee released the Archer transcript.

Rep. Buck is playing games. He's afraid of the word impeachment. He's made it clear that he wants nothing to do with it. That's his problem. He's talking impeachment. Speaker McCarthy is talking impeachment inquiry, which is a different beast. Impeachment inquiries simply give the House constitutional power in their investigation. An impeachment inquiry gives Republicans a far better shot of having a judge side with them when the White House disputes turning over Joe Biden's private banking documents.

If Buck would stop being afraid of his own shadow and start acting like the rarest of all political creatures, aka a politician with a spine, political hacks like Juan Williams wouldn't get ammunition to use against Republicans.

This new impeachment involves piling on the president’s only surviving son, an admittedly troubled man with a history of addiction, who has dealt with death in his family while in the public eye in the most brutal, public, unforgiving way imaginable.
That's breathtakingly dishonest. This impeachment is about whether Joe Biden committed the impeachable offense of bribery. Williams either doesn't know or he's playing stupid. It's possible That Williams doesn't know that Joe Biden doesn't need to get money from overseas clients in exchange for U.S. changes in policies for it to be bribery. It just has to be a situation where Joe Biden gets something of value. When Biden got Viktor Shokin fired, he changed U.S. policy. That's definitely something of value.

Further, the E.U. had said that Ukraine, via Viktor Shokin, had done a good job of cleaning up their corruption. Simply put, Williams is pretending that the Comer-Jordan-Smith investigation is a sham when direct evidence shows that, at minimum, then-VP Biden might've been involved in international bribery. The full Impeachment Clause talks about "Treason, Bribery, High Crimes and Misdemeanors."


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