Weaponized IRS, OSHA raid Highwood Creek Outfitters

Tom Van Hoose is the owner of Highwood Creek Outfitters in Great Falls, MT. For some reason, he was targeted by a colossal collection of federal 'alphabets'. On Wednesday, Van Hoose pulled into his gun shop, where he was confronted "with 20 heavily armed agents."

Van Hoose then explained that "for two years his Highwood Creek Outfitters gun shop has been the subject of surveillance by state and federal agencies including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Occupational Safety & Health Administration, the Department of Homeland Security, the State of Montana and now the Internal Revenue Service."

Notice that he didn't say he'd been surveilled for 5 years. He said 2 years. That means that this harassment started during the Biden administration, not the Trump administration. Van Hoose said "The fact that they think we make so much money as a gun business that they had to come investigate all the thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of dollars whatever it is we supposedly absconded with, anybody that knows the margins in the gun business knows they’re not that high." The next part is downright scary:

Van Hoose says all he was told is that his business had been reported. He doesn’t know by whom, or the reason. He thinks it’s part of a nationwide pattern and feels it’s political.

"I can only assume that it’s because of the style of weapons that we have and the press that’s so against them,” said Van Hoose. "The current administration seems to be hell bent on getting those guns out of the hands of average Americans."

Finally, there's this:
The Montana Department of Justice said that it had no involvement in this incident. An IRS spokesperson confirmed to MTN News that the agency was at Highwood Creek Outfitters on official business, but declined to provide any details.

RedState's Mike Miller wrote this about the incident:

Gun grabbers and their lapdog state media conjure up ridiculous meaningless terms like "gun violence," "assault rifles," "weapons of war," "commonsense gun legislation," and other such bilge for the ultimate purpose of confiscating firearms from Americans whose right are protected by the Second Amendment. So the salient question is this:
Under what law do heavily armed IRS agents have the right to confiscate dozens of boxes of background-check information of law-abiding Americans; information which not only contains a gun purchaser’s name, address, birth date, state and city of birth, gender, social security number, but also the serial numbers of all guns purchased?
I suspect that it's the same law that permits the FBI to show up at Mark Houck's home at 6:00 am to terrorize his family. This is additional proof that Joe Biden's alphabets have been fully weaponized against the American people. There's no other explanation that makes sense. This news segment features Mr. Van Hoose but in a different setting:

In this setting, Mr. Van Hoose was asked by a TV reporter how an AR-15 works. In the segment, Mr. Van Hoose calmly explained the difference between a semi-automatic rifle and a fully automatic rifle. He stressed the importance of practicing at least once a month so you can operate the weapon efficiently and safely. He came across as a likable, friendly fellow, not an arch-villain worthy of a raid by a sea of armed alphabet agents. I understand why the FBI would be armed but I'm bewildered on why OSHA and the IRS would be armed. Apparently, the Biden administration simply wants to intimidate average citizens.

This must stop. Period. The FBI often gets called into dangerous situations so I don't have a problem with them being armed. I have a problem, though, when they show up at Mark Houck's home armed to the teeth after his attorney had told the FBI that he'd surrender if they arrested him. The FBI especially is into intimidating people it disagrees with. At the top of that list are pro-life activists, followed by what I'd call school board parents.

Gov. DeSantis has a plan that would call for the firing of FBI agents if they're intimidating citizens. If he becomes president, then I hope that the people participating in this Great Falls raid would be immediately fired. They've earned it!


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