Mark Houck defeats Merrick Garland's weaponized Justice Department

Merrick Garland is the most anti-life Attorney General in U.S. federal history. After the Philadelphia DA refused to prosecute pro-life advocate Mark Houck for defending his son (Mark Jr.), Merrick Garland had his DOJ arrest and indict Houck for violating the FACE Act, aka the Freedom of Access to Clinics Act.

One of the requirements for convicting people under the FACE Act is proving intent. WSJ columnist Bill McGurn wrote "Mr. Love, now 73, claimed he was twice shoved to the ground without any provocation. Mr. Houck said he pushed Mr. Love because he was harassing his 12-year-old son, Mark Jr., saying crude things to him. The dispute cut to the heart of intent. If Mr. Houck shoved Mr. Love to interfere with the provision of an abortion, he violated the Face Act. But if Mr. Houck shoved Mr. Love because he was harassing his son, it was a streetside altercation that never should have become a federal case."

The jury has spoken. They acquitted Houck of all charges. It didn't take them long to reach that verdict. That's just part of the story. This is the part of the story that proves that Gen. Garland is a tyrant:

Whatever the reason Mr. Krasner’s office didn’t prosecute, the FBI didn’t arrest this public enemy until Sept. 23, 2022—almost a full year after the altercation. The FBI came to Mr. Houck’s home as though he were a violent gangster. His wife, Ryan-Marie, said a SWAT team of about 25-30 armed agents arrived around 7 a.m. The FBI disputes details of her account. They deny it was an actual SWAT team and insist that Mrs. Houck's estimate of the number of agents is an "overstatement." But the bureau also refused to say exactly how many armed agents there were.

And whether these armed agents were a SWAT team is beside the point. The question is: Was this show of force justified for a man who was never a threat or flight risk? On top of it all, one of Mr. Houck's team of lawyers at the Thomas More Society, Matt Heffron, had emailed the assistant U.S. attorney in June saying Mr. Houck would accept a summons to surrender himself.

It isn't a stretch to say that Garland's actions were heavy-handed. It isn't a stretch to say that Garland is a thoroughly partisan hack. He didn't prosecute anyone for intimidating conservative Supreme Court justices but he didn't hesitate to prosecute a pro-life activist. This sidewalk interview with Mr. Houck's attorney sums things up beautifully:

This is a great question:
In October 2022, 11 U.S. senators and 29 members of Congress sent a letter to FBI Director Chris Wray asking if the raid on Mr. Houck was an example of "weaponiz[ing] the power of federal law enforcement . . . against pro-life Americans based solely on their beliefs."
Joe Biden's DOJ promised to be impartial. Instead, it's been highly partisan. The Mar-a-Lago raid wasn't accidental. It happened when President Trump was in New Jersey. Some documents were spread across a floor, then captured in a now-infamous picture. The FBI ordered Trump's attorneys out of the search area. The FBI also told staff to kill the cameras. The staff refused the FBI on that.

By comparison, Biden's attorneys accompanied the FBI when they conducted their raids of Biden's Rehoboth Beach, DE vacation home and his home in Wilmington, DE. Nothing has gotten leaked to the press about that investigation.

It's time for Democrats to admit that a) Joe Biden is a divider and b) Merrick Garland is a political hack who specializes in treating Democrats with kid gloves while essentially waterboarding Republicans, especially people of faith.


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