Power the Future's energy plan

Joe Biden's lack of a coherent energy strategy is as responsible for high inflation, aka Bidenflation, as the Fed's policies. It's why families have felt the strain of deciding between heating their homes and eating. What's needed is a blueprint to return to energy independence. Thankfully, Power the Future put together that blueprint and is making it available to anyone that wants to return to cheap prices at the gas pump and lower-priced home heating bills.

According to this article, Power the Future, "which represents the interests of energy industry workers nationwide, outlined 10 policy priorities for Republicans to pursue and areas where GOP leadership could conduct oversight and investigations into Biden administration policymaking. Power the Future argued a comprehensive energy agenda was vital to push back on President Biden's climate policies which have hampered fossil fuel development."

When I wrote "My letter to Kevin McCarthy", I wrote "I'd title H.R.2 the 'Let's make energy cheap again Act.' Focus the bill on NEPA permitting reform and fixing U.S. fossil fuel energy infrastructure." Then I wrote this:

I'd recommend a full-scale media assault that's impossible to ignore. Do that with each of these bills. Put tons of media pressure on Democrats, the people who created these messes. Most importantly, do it to make life better for families again.
Important figures in the energy world have already responded to my post. I don't buy the notion that we can't do much with just the House majority. At minimum, Republicans can put lots of pressure on Biden's Democrats simply by forcing them to vote on NEPA reform. Sen. Schumer and Joe Biden already signed off on it to buy Joe Manchin's vote for the Inflation Reduction Act. This is important:
Biden’s Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is also complicit in the administration’s climate hysteria. Earlier this year, as part of the extremist "environment, social, and governance," or ESG, movement, Biden’s SEC Chairman, Gary Gensler, proposed a mandatory "climate change disclosure" rule, which would require publicly traded companies to, among other things, describe plans to deal with the "physical effects of climate change," as well as quantify their greenhouse gas emissions and those from the small businesses in their supply chains.
Republicans can surprise this administration with a positive, optimistic agenda like Newt and Kudlow talked about in this interview:

Newt explained it perfectly by comparing it to chess. If Republicans play this right, it doesn't mean that they'll get Biden to sign lots of bills. It means, though, that Republicans can force Democrats like Sherrod Brown, Bob Casey, Jon Tester and Joe Manchin to vote against popular bills or against their party. That's a 'Heads, I win, Tails, you lose situation.'

Let's make the most of this situation for a change. Let's be smart and force Democrats to either alienate their Green New Deal base or the American people.


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