Scott Smith's daughter receives justice

The 15-year-old boy who was accused of sexually assaulting a freshman girl attending at Stone Bridge High School "was expected to plead guilty at a court hearing in Loudoun County on October 14, following the negotiation of a plea agreement. The second attack, however, happened on October 6th, and the Smith family was later told that the two incidents would be dealt with at the same time, during a hearing on October 25th."

The judge "found sufficient evidence that the teen sexually assaulted a fellow student in May. A sentencing hearing will be held at a later date, likely November." That means that the Smith's daughter lived to see justice. That won't eliminate the pain that their daughter feels but it's justice.

On a peripheral note, I hope that Barack Obama apologizes to the Smith family for riffing about phony culture wars or fake outrage that the right-wing media peddling just to juice up your ratings" like he did on Saturday in New Jersey. What a slap in the face to the parents in Virginia and across the nation. These aren't phony culture wars. Who made Obama arbiter of what's phony? Did he just appropriate that role to himself?

The Smith family is also pursuing a civil suit against Loudoun County public schools and announced on Monday that they plan to seek a retraction from the National School Boards Association, which used Scott Smith, who was arrested at a Loudoun County school board meeting on June 22 and used by the NSBA as an example of how parent behavior at school board meetings was becoming increasingly violent.

That school board better back up a couple Brinks trucks for the Smith family after what they've done to that family. Democrats should retire this blowhard:

He's getting more tone-deaf each time I hear him. Part of this riff centers on strengthening traditional public schools. That isn't where Virginians are at. Virginia parents want accountability and excellence. That isn't consistently found in public schools that think of parents as domestic terrorists worthy of FBI surveillance.

If Youngkin wins, which I think is more likely each day, it will be because a) he ran a better campaign, b) he focused his message at parents of students and c) he was simply likable. The truth is that Terry McAuliffe came across as a grump too often. Grumpy people don't win many elections.

Thank God that justice was done for the Smith family. They deserved after what they've been through.


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