Barack Obama's aimless ramblings

Saturday evening, Barack Obama campaigned for Gov. Phil Murphy in New Jersey. While there, he let loose with a riff that's almost totally devoid of verifiable facts. He said "These are serious times and we need serious people. We have too much to get done to be going backwards. Here we are trying to recover from a global pandemic that has killed more than 700,000 Americans, put millions in harm's way. We don't have time to waste on phony culture wars or fake outrage that the right-wing media peddling just to juice up your ratings."

Obama is right. These are serious time. He's also right in saying that the pandemic "has killed 700,000 Americans." After that, it's devoid of truth-telling. The culture wars aren't phony. The outrage isn't ginned up by right-wing media to juice up ratings.

A freshman girl allegedly got raped in Virginia and the school board covered it up. That isn't ginned up. The Loudoun County Sheriff's Office is investigating the incident. The National School Board Association sent a letter to Merrick Garland, insisting that there's been an uptick in violence against school board members. The NSBA has now apologized for that letter. If anyone's ginning up outrage, it's Democrats. This shows how out-of-touch Democrats are:

So instead of forcing schools to cut back, we should be doing more to support the people who are educating our kids.
The teachers unions and school boards are the problem. They aren't the parents' allies. In this video, Obama insults parents, saying that their substantive complaints are the product of "fake outrage that the right-wing media [is] peddling":

That's what happens when your ego gets too big. Obama thinks he can say anything and get away with it. That worked in 2007-8 but people have figured out that Barack Obama is both a great orator and lousy liar.

It's important to remember that Obama doesn't walk on water. During his 8 years in office, over 1,000 Democrats lost their seats in legislatures, governorships, Congress and the Senate. Obama was good at getting himself elected. He wasn't nearly as good getting his party elected.

The good news for Terry McAuliffe is that Joe Biden is campaigning for him Tuesday. If Obama can't seal the deal, Joe will get it done.


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