Pete Hegseth takes charge of Pentagon

While the Agenda Media characterized Pete Hegseth as a controversial pick to be Secretary of Defense, the more accurate description would be nontraditional. For instance, this UPI article reports "Defense Secretary Peter Hegseth has ordered senior military and civilian Pentagon officials to cut 8% from the Defense budget over each of the next five years. Hegseth's memo issued Tuesday directed the five branches under his command to turn in budget-cutting proposals by Monday, two officials told The New York Times. The Washington Post also obtained the memo."

That's either sloppy journalism or intentionally misleading reporting. It might be a little of both. According to this video report put out by Secretary Hegseth himself, the first 'cuts' aren't cuts. According to Hegseth, it's money that the Biden administration was spending on DEI and other nonlethal programs. The money will now be "repurposed" to make the U.S. military into a lethal fighting force that isn't interested in using the right pronouns but is interested in using the right weapons in the right situations. Check this out:

Part of the reason why Trump picked Hegseth is because Pete's a combat-wise street fighter. Anyone that thinks the Military Industrial Complex will take this sitting down is kidding themselves. That's why they've 'enlisted' the Agenda Media in this turf fight. Here's the Gospel according to Pete Hegseth:
"The time for preparation is over; we must act urgently to revive the warrior ethos, rebuild our military, and re-establish deterrence. Our budget will resource the fighting force we need, cease unnecessary defense spending, reject excessive bureaucracy, and drive actionable reform including progress on the audit."
The Gospel according to the Agenda Media:
One senior official told The New York Times that the cuts appeared likely to be part of an effort to focus funding on programs that the administration favors, instead of actually cutting the Defense Department's $850 billion annual budget.
Secretary Hegseth made clear that there's a method to his budget-cutting madness. The goal is to build lethality into the military while ridding the military of Biden's DEI agenda.

There's a new sheriff in townn at the Pentagon. His name is Pete Hegseth.


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