The has-been, aka Barack Obama, thanks Biden for his service

It isn't often that a presidential has-been speaks to praise a different presidential has-been. That's what Barack Obama did in this tweet. As is his habit, President Obama started by piling the BS on high and dry, saying "Four years ago, in the middle of a pandemic, we needed a leader with the character to put politics aside and do what was right. That’s what @JoeBiden did."

First, let's start with some truths to disinfect Presideent Obama's disinformation. If Joe Biden is a leader with character, then I'm the pope. Joe Biden, lest anyone forget, is a grifter who used his vice presidential position to enrich his family for multiple years. Anyone thinking that he's a leader with character is kidding themselves.

Next, President Obama insisted "At a time when our economy was reeling, he drove what would become the world’s strongest recovery – with 17 million new jobs, historic wage gains, and lower health care costs. He passed landmark legislation to rebuild our nation’s infrastructure and address the threat of climate change." WOW! That's breathtakingly dishonest! Bill Clinton's economy created 22,000,000 in 8 years. President Reagan's economy created 20,000,000 jobs through a double-dip recession in 8 years. Saying that Biden created 17,000,000 jobs in 4 years is insulting. There's fewer people working tonight than when he took over. How could Biden create 4,250,000 per year when Clinton created 2,750,000 ojbs per year and President Reagan's economy created 2,500,000 jobs per year.

Further, inflation was at 1.4% when Biden was inaugurated. Today, it's 2.9%. The average price of a gallon of gasoline nationwide was $2.39 when Biden was inaugurated. Today, that average is $3.10 per gallon.

Here's President Obama's finish to the tweet:

I’m grateful to Joe for his leadership, his friendship, and his lifetime of service to this country we love.
Mostly, though, he's grateful that Joe paid attention to him while Nancy Pelosi shivved Joe. He never saw it coming.The president who sent a chill up Christopher Matthews' leg is now reduced to this:

On behalf of the American people, I'd like to thank Joe for ignoring his 4-year-old granddaughter, for the millions of dollars of money he, his brother Jim and Hunter his son lifted out of the pockets of the Chinese, Russians, Ukrainians and Romainians. Selling out U.S. foreign policy to make his family rich is what Joe, Jim and Hunter were all about. Anyone pretending that Joe was a grifter is lying to you.

This was the last year President Obama was a semi-effective surrogate. After this year, he'll drift off into irrelevance. Trump is a real president with legitimate results. Obama is just a placeholder president at best. That's why he's a has-been.


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