Joe Biden's open borders policies exposed as intentional

When it comes to the border, Bill Melugin is the best reporter out there. It isn't close, in fact. For years, Bill has been both clever in getting around Alejandro Mayorkas's stunts and impressive in knowing the U.S.'s immigration laws. For instance, most people think that unlawfully being in the U.S. isn't a criminal act. People think it's just a civil infraction.

According to Melugin's reporting, "crossing illegally is in fact, a crime. It is a misdemeanor under 8 USC 1325. And illegal re-entry after deportation is a felony, if prosecuted." During the 2020 Democrats' presidential debates, moderators asked the candidates if crossing the border without proper paperwork should be considered criminal or a civil infraction. Unanimously, Democrats voted in favor of civil infraction.

Considering the fact that Democrats didn't say a thing about the Biden Invasion, it's safe to say that Democrats don't care about enforcing immigration laws. I've said it before but I'll repeat it again. Democrats love passing laws. They just don't like enforcing existing laws.

Rest assured that the Biden administration hated Bill Melugin's reporting. Guy Benson explains why in this interview:

For 4 years, Democrats insisted that the border was shut. That's been exposed by the Trump administration. Our man Bill Melugin was on the scene of the Trump administration's raid in Boston:

The Biden administration could've arrested these people at any time. They chose not to arrest them. Now the Trump administration is picking these thugs up like a farmer bailing hay. People have noticed the difference in safety. The difference between administrations is dramatic.

People want safe neighborhoods. They didn't get that with the Biden administration. They're getting it in spades with the Trump administration. Check this out:

And this: And finally this:


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