Investigating the DFL's grifting racket

Apparently, Gov. Tim Walz's DFL is a grifting operation masquerading as a political party. This KSTP report states "The Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) confirmed to 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS its Office of Inspector General has 62 active investigations into family child care and child care centers in the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) across the state."

It continues by saying "5 EYEWITNESS NEWS looked into some of the child care centers that receive the most of the federal funding available in the CCAP program which is regulated by DHS. One day care center in Minneapolis, Quality Learning Center Daycare, had 95 violations between 2019 and 2023, according to DHS records. Those violations range from 'failure to keep hazardous items away from children' to 'no records for 16 children.' In 2022, DHS placed the facility on a conditional license." Not having records for 16 children that you’re getting paid for is disturbing.

As bad as that is, this is the most infuriating:

But, state records showed Quality Learning Center Daycare still received $7.8 million in federal tax money since 2019 despite its regulatory issues. Its conditional license was removed in 2024.
Apparently, Gov. Walz isn't interested in legitimate oversight into CCAP. Lisa Demuth, one of the only people with integrity in leadership in the Legislature, issued this statement:
"Concerns about fraud and lack of oversight for the childcare assistance program date all the way back to 2018, but it appears that problems remain rampant. Tonight's report suggests the Walz administration remains asleep at the wheel and is unable or unwilling to provide proper oversight to prevent fraud and protect the safety of our children. It's unacceptable that millions of our tax dollars are going to childcare centers that have dozens of unaddressed safety violations, and others that could be entirely fraudulent. We need an immediate investigation into these centers, and to pause payments to any no-show childcare center ripping off Minnesota taxpayers."
Jay Kolls is to be praised for this investigation:

Clearly, this is a DFL racket. Nobody's been around when Kolls visited these childcare centers.

This speaks volumes:

While the DFL was in control of the House, they didn't hold any oversight hearings. How is that possible? That sounds rather intentional, doesn't it?


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