Has David Axelrod lost his marbles?

Just minutes ago, I checked my Twitter feed to see if anything was happening. It stunned me to see this tweet from David Axelrod. It wasn't a lengthy tweet but it was filled with a ton of BS. Axelrod wrote "Merrick Garland is a good and decent man who has served his country with humility, wisdom, integrity and fidelity to the law--which has made him a target of politicians from both parties."

It's partially true. Merrick Garland might've been "a good and decent man" once upon a time but he isn't anymore. The Merrick Garland that's about to retire is corrupt to the core. Today's Merrick Garland didn't hesitate in instructing U.S. attorneys to classify parents attending school board meetings as domestic terrorists. That was a result of the coordinated letter between the White House and the National School Board Association, aka the NSBA.

Today's Merrick Garland didn't hesitate in weaponizing the DOJ. Garland apparently thought of himself as the white version of Eric Holder, aka Obama's wingman.

This Twitchy article does have a good idea in it. First, it says "Watching Biden, Harris, Blinken and the rest be celebrated on their way out is nauseating enough, but considering what happened to the legal system in this country over the last few years Merrick Garland's happy sendoff is particularly gross." Then comes the brilliant idea: Take a good look. That's what the Swamp looks like. Good ridddance:

Let's return to talking about Axelrod. Axelrod's moral compass must be broken. Either that or he wanted to make the old coot feel good even though he didn't deserve it. Merrick Garland was part of the worst cabinet in presidential history. Within the first year of that soon-to-be-forgotten administration, I titled Biden's cabinet "the Never Will be Ready for Primetime Players." Garland and Alejandro Mayorkas belong in the Presidential Cabinet Hall of Shame. And yes, I'd fire the DOJ attorneys in that video. It's time to start restoring credibbility to the DOJ.


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