Putting pressure on Tim Walz, the DFL

If this year's budget session doesn't give Minnesota's legislators whiplash, nothing will. This Star Tribune article opens by quietly saying that the DFL Trifecta didn't exercise fiscal responsibility. The article opens by saying "just a few short years, Minnesota swung from having a record $17.6 billion budget surplus to seeing a projected deficit on the horizon. The revelation that the state is headed toward a modest $616 million surplus in the next two-year budget cycle and a deficit of $5.1 billion in the 2028-2029 biennium gave some state legislators whiplash."

Notice that the Strib article didn't mention the DFL Trifecta of DFL majorities in the Minnesota House and Minnesota Senate with a DFL governor. The DFL controlled the Executive and Legislative branches. That means the budget passed without Republican votes. That's exactly what they did. That means there are only DFL fingerprints on this budgeting disaster. There aren't any GOP fingerprints on this disaster.

How did the DFL go from having a "$17.6 billion budget surplus" to having a $616,000,000 surplus in just 2 years? That'd require tons of irresponsible DFL spending. That's before reminding people of the $9,000,000,000 tax hike that the DFL passed in addition to spending the "$17.6 billion budget surplus."

DFL Gov. Tim Walz doesn't regret it:

"This is an over-the-horizon budget issue of growing costs in an aging population and more people accessing services," Walz said at a Wednesday news conference. Asked if Democrats should have left more of the record surplus on the bottom line, the governor said no.

"The public wanted it back; we sent the money back to them. We paid off our [unemployment] insurance, we paid off the stadium, we invested in education, roads and bridges," Walz said. "Had we not done some of those things, the revenues are less because you’re not getting growth."

That's dishonesty if I've ever seen it. Sending the money back means that I control the $$$. I can't guy groceries because the DFL paid off Minnesota's debt on US Bank Stadium. I can't pay my heating bill with money the DFL spent money on bridges and roads. I can't pay my property taxes because the DFL fully funded schools. FYI- I wrote about those fully funded schools in this article. Hint: those fully-funded schools are running deficits.

The DFL totally screwed up the 2023 budget. At a time when families needed money for groceries, property taxes and supersized home heating bills, the DFL spent the largest projected surplus in Minnesota's history on more government. I won't trust these idiots with another budget. It's time for the DFL to step aside and let families decide what they can use the money for. Taxes are still too high. Grocery prices are still too expensive. Home heating bills haven't dropped. Still, we're told by politicians that we should thank those DFL politicians for not improving our lives:

The DFL still isn't listening to Minnesotans. The DFL still wants to increase spending on government. The DFL still isn't interested in fixing our broken schools. It's time for Minnesotans to tell the DFL to take a hike. It's time to tell the DFL that their ideas stink.

If you're satisfied with the failed status quo government that taxes too much, intrudes too much and tells you what to do, vote DFL. If you'd prefer making your own choices, abandon the DFL. Vote GOP. It's time to leave failure behind.


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