Kevin McCarthy, AI and a team of visionaries

Despite what Matt Gaetz thinks of former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, McCarthy got things right. Frankly, Gaetz is a traitor. I'm thankful that he's been dispatched from government. I hope he doesn't return ever again. But I digress.

The reason I'm bringing up former Speaker McCarthy is because he's written this article, which I consider today's must reading. The article opens by saying "We are in a race for the future with China, and that future will be driven by Artificial Intelligence; the winner of this race will hold the keys to the engine of prosperity and freedom. But we will not win this race, and we lose more than our place in the world, if we don’t concurrently win the race for abundant, low-cost and widely distributed energy." Let's compare that with the soon-to-be-dispatched Biden administration. Their approach was to restrict fossil fuel production while essentially eliminating nuclear power. Biden and his yes-men apparently answer to AOC's Green New Deal activists. If we don't restart our nuclear power program, we won't produce the power we need to power our future. McCarthy's article continues:

On the other side of the globe, reports suggest that China is building two new coal power plants every week and is building almost as many new nuclear power plants as the rest of the world combined.

Meanwhile, our energy policy has been almost exclusively focused on transitioning away from carbon-based energy, which has led to less reliable and more expensive energy at a time when we need the opposite to capture the promise of AI.

This interview helps explain why we need what we need:

If we aren't putting all of the pieces of the puzzle together in a timely fashion, we're falling behind. If we want to defeat China and other industrialized nations, we have to be a cohesive unit. The squabbling must end. The partisanship is a distraction.

It's time to strip from our policymaking the thought of renewable-only energy policymaking. That's antiquated thinking. It's all-of-the-above energy policymaking. That includes nuclear, too. Nuclear will help the U.S. achieve energy domination. We can't afford not to achieve that.

Finally, Kevin McCarthy is exactly the right person to pull this together. Inb his interview with CNBC, he gives a fast-paced tutorial of how politicians need an outsider to teach them big picture things. It's easy to picture DC politicians getting bogged down in day-to-day minutiae. Sometimes, it's required to catch a vision from 30,000 feet. The Bible teaches that "Without a vision, the people perish." That's why it's essential to have a commission headed by Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy. Mix in there President-Elect Trump and Kevin McCarthy and you've got a team of visionaries.


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