Bob Casey, thief in broad daylight edition

Bob Casey's late father likely wouldn't be proud of his son's actions this last week. This past week, Bob Casey has tried stealing an election he's lost decisively. According to Salena Zito's reporting, "The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has sided with the campaign of Republican businessman Dave McCormick in ordering an immediate end to the deliberately unlawful vote-counting efforts of local officials counting votes in McCormick’s hotly contested U.S. Senate race. Openly flouting a clear, earlier ruling of the state high court, officials in four counties had been tabulating ballots that lacked signatures or dates required by law."

This is disgusting but it isn't surprising. These are Democrats, after all. Playing by the rules isn't a Democrat's strength. Ignoring laws is a Democrat's strength. Throw in Marc Elias as Casey's election lawyer and you've got a situation that's perfect for shenanigans.

Did Elias instruct his client to ignore the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s ruling? Or did Diane Ellis-Marseglia simply disobey the Court's order on her own? Either way, it's clear that Casey isn't willing to concede this race.

Apparently, Sen. Casey thinks that the seat is his birthright. If that's what he thinks, he needs to scrap that theory and rethink things.

As of this writing, even including the wrongly counted ballots, incumbent Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA) trails McCormick by 17,439 votes out of some 3.9 million cast. A recount of all ballots, pressed by Casey, began on Monday. If the state Supreme Court had let the illegal votes be counted, it certainly would look like what Casey long accused President-elect Donald Trump of being, namely "a threat to democracy." If officials in Bucks, Centre, and Montgomery counties had been allowed to continue their schemes, it could have set a precedent that could undermine the legitimacy of similar actions in future elections.
It's possible, though unlikely, to overcome a 250-vote margin. Making up a 15,000-vote margin is mathematically unrealistic. Check out Duane Patterson's interview of Salena Zito:

Isn't it interesting that Patterson and Zito both think that the Trump DOJ won't tolerate Buck County's shenanigans? It's time to show the nation that the Trump administration is serious about enforcing laws. Without enforcement, there's just anarchy. That's unacceptable.


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