Bill Kristol hates America; here's proof

Bill Kristol apparently doesn't like democracy. It's apparent after reading Kristol's latest bucket of trash. It's painfully obvious that he's appointed himself leader of the Resistance. What he wrote for the Bulwark is repulsive to anyone with American impulses in their veins.

How can a pro-American, pro-republic person write "Newly elected presidents who’ve won convincing victories have momentum. But that momentum can also be stalled, blunted, blocked, limited, checked. Even reversed."? Think about that a second. He's talking about newly-elected presidents with lots of momentum. Who gave these presidents that momentum? Was it given to them by a wise monarch? Was that mpomentum given to these newly-elected presidents by We The People? If that momentum was given to President-Elect Trump by the people, what right does he have to blunt, block or limit President-Elect Trump's momentum before he's inaugurated? Democrats like Bill Kristol think that they're the arbiters of what's acceptable. In Kristol's warped thinking, the Bill of Rights is meaningless. To Kristol, the First Amendment isn't meaningfui, either. How pathetic. In this interview, Kristol self-identifies as an elitist:

During the lengthy blowhardathon, Kristol identifies himself with Liz Cheney, another self-righteous has-been. How dare these elitists think that their opinions matter more than the voice of the people. When Never Trumpers put their egos above the voice of the people, they've shown that they aren't truly Americans. Americans put America ahead of their egos.

Former Minnesota House Minority Leader Marty Seifert was fond of saying that there was a sign above the door in the House chamber. According to Leader Seifert, it said "The voice of the people is the voice of God." While I don't take the sign literally, I take it seriously. When 75,000,000 people vote for President-Elect Trump, perhaps it's time for Kristol to spend some time in introspection. Perhaps he's wrong and needs to change. Perhaps he's putting too much emphasis on the wrong things.

Finally, when the people speak, it's time to listen. Occasionally, the people are wrong, just like juries. They aren't perfect. When that many people vote for a candidate twice in 4 years, it's likely that it's Kristol that's got it wrong.

Thanks to President-Elect Trump's defeat of Harris, the corporate media and the leftist media suffered a significant hit to their credibility. By extension, that means Kristol's credibility took a hit, too. That's assuming that Kristol still had some credibility left.


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