Why RFK Jr. isn't a Democrat anymore, in his own words edition

Friday night, RFK Jr. ripped the bandage off. While appearing on Gutfeld!, RFK Jr. said "There's also, I think that the people these days who tend to be Republican or conservative, are much more inclined to critical thinking. And I think that used to be the purview of the Democratic Party. But you had said before that we left the Democratic Party, that Elon myself and Tulsi, I think all of us feel like the Democratic Party left us, a party of Robert Kennedy, of John. Kennedy doesn't exist anymore."

JFK, RFK, Hubert Humphrey and Daniel Patrick Moynihan likely wouldn't feel comfortable in today's Democrat Party. Christopher Hitchens wouldn't like today's Democrat Party, either, because he wouldn't tolerate today's Democrats' inclination towards censorship.

Kennedy continued, saying "Today, the Democratic Party is the party of war, it's the party of censorship, it's the party of Wall Street, a big pharma, big tech, big data, big banking, and the military industrial complex." The Democrat Party of RFK Jr.'s father and uncle was the party of civil rights, patriotism and, with JFK, the party of supply-side economics. Today's Democrats are the party of censorship and socialism. Check this out:

Seeing is believing. I didn't think I'd ever live to see the day when the Kennedys sided with the GOP. Now, it's happened. Not only has that happened but President Trump has named RFK Jr. as his transition team co-chair. I expect to see pigs flying in V formation this afternoon. If this continues, it's possible that Rosie O'Donnell might fit into a skimpy bikini. Wait just a ssecond. That'sNever gonna happen.


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