Kamala Harris comes unhinged

It's been apparent for quite some time that VP Kamala Harris specialized in speaking in incomprehensible word salads. After Wednesday afternoon's diatribe at DC's Naval Observatory, it's obvious that she won't hesitate in saying anything to get elected.

Wednesday afternoon, VP Harris took former Trump White House Chief of Staff John Kelly's quote that Trump preferred generals like Hitler's generals because Trump allegedly thought that Hitler's generals were unswervingly loyal to him. That isn't historically accurate but that's allegedly what Gen. Kelly is peddling.

Howie Kurtz certainly isn't part of the Left's fever swamps. After reading Kurtz's article, it's obvious that Kurtz doesn't take Kelly's Hitler comments seriously. Kurtz wrote "Kelly, a retired Marine Corps general who lost a son in Afghanistan, said he was going public because he was disturbed by Trump’s attacks on "the enemy within," which, as the former president told me in our weekend interview, included Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi. And Kelly was equally concerned that he might use the military against Americans."

Watching Harris's diatribe is frightening:

VP Harris said that Trump's alleged comments offer a window into Trump's thinking. I'd argue that Harris's use of this single-sourced anonymous quote speaks volumes into who Harris is. This interview, conducted by Fox News's John Roberts, blows Harris's speech to smithereens:

Initially, Juan Williams said that he wasn't in the room the day that Trump allegedly made disparaging comments about a fallen soldier's Hispanic heritage. Williams said that Mary Katherine Ham and John Roberts weren't in the Oval Office, either, so we don't know what was said or wasn't said. That's when Roberts stepped in and informed Williams that he was in the room the day the Guillen family visited the Oval Office as that day's pool reporter. As such, Roberts has the proof of what was said. Mayra Guillen posted this tweet with reply: Mayra Guilen's timeline page is filled with tweets from people who were in the room. I don't trust the Atlantic just like I don't trust VP Harris. Her short speech offers insight into her lack of character. Come Nov. 5, let's vote to end VP Harris's political career.


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