Dissecting Kamala Harris's Closing Argument Speech

Tuesday night, VP Kamala Harris gave the most divisive speech by a presidential candidate since I started voting in 1974. (That's 50 years ago for those of you in Rio Linda.) According to this transcript, her first mention of Donald Trump came in a sentence where she said "He is the person who stood at this very spot nearly four years ago and sent an armed mob to the United States Capitol to overturn the will of the people in a free and fair election – an election that he knew he lost."

That's an outright lie. Yes, it was roughly 4 years ago that Trump spoke at the Ellipse. That's the most accurate part of the sentence. After that, it goes downhill fast. For instance, he didn't send "an armed mob" to Capitol Hill. None of the people charged with entering Capitol Hill on Jan. 6, 2021 had a gun. None of the people convicted of their charges was charged with a gun crime. How can President Trump be guilty of sending an armed mob "to overturn the will of the people in a free and fair election" when nobody had a gun?

That was the first of many of VP Harris's lies. Here's another Kamala's lies:

Donald Trump has told us his priorities for a second term. He has an enemies list of people he intends to prosecute. He says that one of his highest priorities is to set free the violent extremists who insulted those law enforcement officers on January 6.
I've never heard of anyone having proof of this enemies list. I've heard the Democrats' accusation of the existence of the list but I haven't seen proof of the existence of this llst. Without the existence of the list, who is there to prosecute?

Kamala's biggest whopper

Donald Trump intends to use the United States military against American citizens who simply disagree with him, people he calls, quote, “the enemy from within.”
That tells you what VP Harris thinks of the military. When soldiers enlist, they take an oath to protect the U.S. Constitution. People who disagree with each other without committing violence against each other are protected by the First Amendment. Any attorney general, with the possible exception of thosoe from California, knows that orders that are unconstitutional are unenforceable!

As for "the enemy from within," President Trump was talking ultra-specifically about the leaders of the Deep State, not citizens who attend school board meetings to protect their children. A perfect example of how morally bankrupt VP Harris and President Biden are is found in the story of Mark Hauck, a Catholic pro-life activist. A Planned Parenthood employee pushed Hauck's son, who was praying on the sidewalk across the street from a Planned Parenthood office.

Hauck pushed the Planned Parenthood employee in defense of his son. The Biden-Harris-Garland DOJ visited Hauck's rural home at 6:00 am. Actually, a 20-man SWAT team showed up with long guns to arrest Hauck at his home. The DOJ tried the case. When the case went to the jury, the jury deliberated for less than an hour before returning a not guilty verdict against Mr. Hauck.

Did VP Harris criticize the DOJ's excessive force in arresting Mr. Hauck? No, she didn't. Apparently, she didn't think it was that big a deal. The president should be both the chief law enforcement officer in the nation as well as the person who upholds our values. Mark Hauck explains the arrest experience in this interview:

In this instance, the FBI was the enemy from within. Arresting a man while covering him with SWAT rifles is excessive. Donald Trump supposedly has an enemies list. VP Harris wants him to never serve our nation again. The FBI threatens a pro-life activist, arrests and prosecutes him, the man is found not guilty but VP Harris hasn't said a thing.

Harris wants to Unite Us?

VP Harris will say anything to anyone at any time to get elected. She's as into uniting the U.S. as Joe Biden was at his inaugural speech. VP Harris needs to be fired.


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