Catherine Harrison vs. Dan Wolgamott; Harrison endorses Sue Ek edition

Now that Catherine Harrison, Rep. Wolgamott's former campaign manager, has endorsed Sue Ek, Rep. Wolgamott's opponent in the HD-14B race, it's time for this story to get some additional sunlight. In a Friday morning interview with Dan Ochsner, Ms. Harrison talked about feeling like "she has been ostracized from the DFL for her stance on what she calls sex-based rights. She lists the right to have separate sports leagues, bathrooms, private spaces like locker rooms, and dormitories and sororities that cater solely to women."

Harrison said "If Dan Wolgamott really wanted to understand the issue and really wanted to hear me, that would be one thing, and then he could say, 'Hey, we disagree on this politically, but Catherine, I love you. We’ve been friends for forever. It’s okay. You can think what you want to think, and I’ll think what I want to think. We’ll still be friends. That’s cool.' But he wasn’t able to do that."

That's stunning! Wolgamott let his political beliefs stand in the way of his friendship. Further, Ms. Harrison described the friendship as having lasted "for forever." On the issue of trans rights, Ms. Harrison said this:

There is no longer such a thing as a women’s bathroom. Women literally don’t have a private place that’s women only to go to use the bathroom. And we’re talking about elderly women, we’re talking about little girls learning how to go potty, girls 10, 11, 12 [years old] learning how to menstruate and how to deal with that in a public bathroom. It makes me emotional just thinking about it. I don’t think men should be going into the bathroom. But the people that do think that, the small number, are very loud, and they work deeply in the Democratic Party, and they have put forward legislation that is out of step with what even most Democrats know to be true, which is that men don’t belong in the women’s bathroom and so many other issues of encroachment related to this issue.
Rep. Dan Wolgamott voted for the Trans Refuge Bill. Until now, I wasn't certain whether he'd voted for it because he was part of leadership (Speaker Pro Tempore) or whether he'd voted for it because he was a true believer.

Based on what's happened between Rep. Wolgamott and Ms. Harrison, it isn't a stretch to think that Rep. Wolgamott is a true believer. That's baffling considering he's part of "the Party of Science." There's virtually no scientific data on this subject, at least not enough to draw any conclusions in either direction. This is the important part:

Harrison is supporting Wolgamott’s opponent in this year’s District 14B general election. Although she no longer lives in the area, she encourages residents to choose Republican candidate Sue Ek.
This isn't the only controversy swirling around Rep. Wolgamott. Rumors of him getting a sweetheart deal for his DUI violation still swirl around him. This is footage of him right before his arrest:

Look at how long he guzzled alcohol from that bottle 35 seconds into the video. That's in broad daylight, too. Then watch how long he stands looking into the trunk of his car.

These aren't the actions of a rational man. These are the actions of a man who needs help ASAP!


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