Will Joe Biden be an historic president?

With Democrats worried sick about a possible wave election, there's another question creeping into the conversation. Back in March 2021, Biden invited some presidential historians into the White House for a conversation about what type of goals he should set for his presidency. They urged him to set his goals high. They urged him to think in terms of trying to be the next FDR or LBJ. As Biden's presidency circles the drain, Democrats like Pelosi and Obama plot against Biden. Meanwhile, support for Biden has virtually disappeared.

These are definitely difficult times for Democrats. Do they blow up democracy to avoid annihilation this November? Do they nuke the presidency of their incumbent president? Then again, what's the big deal? Democrats prevented Robert Kennedy Jr. from gaining access to the ballot. Democrats then made sure that Dean Phillips didn't stand a chance.Karma's a Bitch

Because Democrats ran the most undemocratic primary since 2016 and 2020, the less-than-democratic Democrats are stuck with a standardbearer who's tried shaking hands with the air and who told reporters that he'd talked with French President Mitterand at last year's G-7 meeting. Mitterrand died before the start of this century. Meanwhile, Biden is travelling the nation saying that he won the nomination fair and square (more or less):

Then there's the part where Biden talks about the threat to democracy Trump is:

The key date to keep in mind is August 7. That's the date by which Democrats have to have a nominee. If they haven't picked a nominee by the 7th, they won't have someone on the Ohio ballot. Think of how historic that would be.


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