Joe Biden: unfit to run, unfit to serve

After last Thursday's disaster, people have been calling for Joe Biden to end his campaign. Today, I'm calling for Joe Biden's resignation from office. Yes, I know that means 6 months of Kamala Harris as our president. Yes, that's terrible. Whether Kamala is president or Joe is, what difference at this point does it make?

The Joe Biden we saw in Atlanta last Thursday is incapable of handling presidential responsibilities. Joe didn't have the mental capabilities to answer simple questions, much less handle international crises. To have KJP tell us that Wandering Joe is a "cheap fake" is insulting. Having KJP tell us that Barack Obama leading Joe offstage at a Hollywood fundraiser was an expression of friendship isn't spin. It's an insult to the American people.

The latest BS from the Democrats is that Joe had "a bad night" last Thursday. That's a lie. Last Thursday night, Joe had another episode of dementia. It was there in plain sight for the whole world to see multiple times. Democrats and 'journalists' are co-conspirators in enabling Biden actions. Just watch Nancy Pelosi defend Biden:

This article lays out my logic perfectly. It says "According to the Times: "the president's performance cannot be written off as a bad night or blamed on a supposed cold, because it affirmed concerns that have been mounting for months or even years. Even when Mr. Biden tried to lay out his policy proposals, he stumbled.' In such a condition, can Biden lead the country for another half-year?"

Obviously, this is a situation that's far from optimal. When things started going wrong, we thought we were getting Jimmy Carter. Instead, we're getting Woodrow Wilson. The good news is that, whether Biden resigns or he runs, we're just 200 days away from our national nightmare being over.


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