DA Bragg agrees to Trump sentencing delay

Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg has agreed to delay President Trump's sentencing. CBS is reporting that "Prosecutors for Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg said they are not opposed to delaying Donald Trump's sentencing for his criminal conviction in the wake of the Supreme Court's ruling that former presidents enjoy broad immunity for official acts." According to Fox News Legl Analyst and FNC Contributor Leo Terrell, this is a direct result of yesterday's SCOTUS ruling.

According to Terrell, the SCOTUS ruling on immunity doesn't just affect federal cases. It affects any case involving the president. Terrell said that this is a good sign for Trump. After the ruling yesterday, Trump's team said that they'd be appealing Trump's conviction.

CNN is reporting that "Donald Trump will not be sentenced on his business fraud conviction until September, a New York judge ruled Tuesday in the wake of Monday’s Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity." First, that means Trump can campaign the rest of the summer with the exception of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee in 2 weeks. Next, it means that Trump can put more states in play until the next debate, if Biden still wants another bloodbath. Third, this essentially proves that Biden's lawfare project failed.

WORTH NOTING:Tucked into the CNN/Judge Merchan article:

Trump was scheduled to be sentenced on July 11. Judge Juan Merchan said the former president will now be sentenced on September 18, "if such is still necessary."
Let's hope that the sentencing hearing won't be necessary for multiple reasons. Most importantly, let's hope it isn't needed because the Biden/Bragg/Merchan lawfare stunt has blown up in their faces. This NYPost- produced video explains why it might not be needed:

Truer words were never spoken:
The decision has thrown special counsel Jack Smith’s indictment of Trump on election subversion charges into doubt – and a trial before the November election is all but impossible now. The ruling could impact the indictments of Trump in the classified documents and Georgia election interference cases as well.
If all these things fall into place, it'll mean that Jack Smith will have failed again. At some point, Smith should stop attempting to convict high-profile defendants on novel theories. Further, it'll mean that Joe Biden's lawfare project will have failed utterly.


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