Leader of the Free World is a full-time job

By now, people have figured out that Joe Biden sometimes has moments of lucidity followed by moments where he looks like he doesn't know his own name. This article isn't meant as a 'Gee, I feel sorry for the old codger.' It isn't even meant as a criticism of Jill Biden's blatant elder abuse. This is too serious for that. If Jill Biden won't admit that Joe's lights aren't even on anymore (as in 'the lights are on but nobody's home'), and if Democrats won't admit that Joe's frozen on the world stage multiple times, then it's time for We The People to take things into our hands and push Biden off the world stage.

I suspect that the reason why Jill Biden won't admit that Joe's finished is because the family is screwed if the 'Big Guy' isn't available for influence peddling operations. Without Joe, the Biden's racket disappears. Further, without Joe, there goes their protection from prosecution. But I digress. This article is about Joe freezing at the Juneteenth event:

It's about Joe meandering away from the group photo at the G-7 event:

This article is about Obama guiding Joe off the floor at this weekend's fundraiser: The point is that the presidency isn't a part-time job. It requires a person to be ready to make life-and-death decisions at any moment of the day, every day of the week. Joe isn't capable of that at this point.

The Leader of the Free World is a 24/7 job. No, I'm not talking about Joe Concha's definition of 24/7 either, which is 24 hours a month, 7 months a year. This RedState article gives a detailed commentary of Biden's difficulties. To people like Joe Scarborough and KJP, this isn't normal. This is elder abuse of the worst kind. Further, it's proof of your heartlessness.

Finally, to the propagandists in corporate media, it's your job to report things like this. Your job isn't to hide events like this. Shame on you.


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