Christina Barton vs. Rochester Public Schools

Apparently, Rochester Public Schools doesn't like getting called out for its trans agenda. Allegedly, Christina Barton decided to speak out against RPS transgender guidelines. According the Alpha News' article, "In April, Barton spoke to Alpha News about Rochester Public Schools’ embrace of left-wing gender ideology. Specifically, Barton said the district implemented 'administrative guidelines' relating to transgenderism without informing parents. Barton became concerned that the failure to alert the public to these guidelines would result in parents not receiving important information about their children’s activities in school."

Since then, Barton allegedly "has been kicked out of her union and the school board voted against renewing her contract." I'm saying allegedly because RPS issued a statement saying, in part, "Rochester Public Schools said it cannot share the reasons it chose not to renew Barton’s contract." RPS must think that their constituents must be the most gullible constituents in the history of history. Why wouldn't RPS retaliate when Ms. Barton spoke out about RPS's transgender agenda? After all, Ms. Barton exposed a secret agenda than RPS wanted kept secret. This podcast interview highlights the fight between school boards and parents:

More specifically, it highlights Christina Barton's fight against RPS. There's more proof emerging daily that Minnesota school boards are getting more militant each month. That militancy is being driven by the MSBA, aka the Minnesota School Board Association. It's worth noting that MSBA 'officially' resigned from the NSBA, aka National School Board Association, while still promoting NSBA's official agenda. MSBA's 'official resignation' was a PR stunt.

It's essential to remember that the NSBA is the organization that wanted US AG Merrick Garland to call parents "domestic terrorists." Just ask Ian Prior his opinion on MSBA. Be prepared to be there awhile. Don't expect to hear many compliments of MSBA from him.

Congratulations to Christina Barton for being a principled, courageous public servant. Minnesota needs hundreds more servant-minded leaders like that.


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