Robert DeNiro, Joe Biden: a pair of unwell 80-somethings

Until Tuesday, the Biden campaign wisely stayed quiet on Trump's trial. Yesterday, they foolishly stepped off the proverbial bench. It was bad enough that they said anything about the trial. What made things infinitely worse is that the campaign hired a washed-up actor with a bitter streak a mile wide to attack Trump. It wasn't a pretty sight:

Get that man his meds. He's having hallucinations or something.

Philip Wegmann wrote:

Outside the Manhattan courtroom where the former president was on trial, at a press conference organized by the Biden-Harris campaign, actor Robert De Niro rhetorically ran ahead of Biden, making his dire warning about the future of representative government explicit.

"Under Trump," the celebrity surrogate said that the government Abraham Lincoln described as of, for, and by the people "will perish from the earth." The rights secured by those the nation recently remembered on Memorial Day, the actor added, well, "you can kiss these freedoms goodbye. And elections – forget about it. That’s over, that’s done," he insisted. "If he gets in, I can tell you right now, he will never leave."

DeNiro is proof that a little paranoia goes a L-O-O-O-N-G way. Either DeNiro is ultra-paranoid or he's as dishonest as Biden. Both thoughts are frightening.

Then there's Joe Biden's Philadelphia 'rally':

Check out the 'crowd':
Joe really knows how to fill the building. NOT!

Elections are about the future

Joe Biden and Robert DeNiro represent the past. They don't represent anything that people aspire to. Trump is 77-years-old but he's getting out to NASCAR events, MMA fights and mixing with people. Joe Biden visits high schools and union halls. Trump holds rallies in 'enemy territory' like in the Bronx, where he gets cheered enthusiastically by minority voters.

The difference couldn't be more evident!


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