MNGOP endorses Royce White to run against Amy Klobuchar

On Saturday at the MNGOP State Convention, the delegates helped former NBA player Royce White win the Republican endorsement to run against Amy Klobuchar. (FYI- I've given Sen. Klobuchar the nickname of St. Amy of Hennepin County because the Twin Cities media give her a total pass on her votes.) True to form, the Twin Cities media wrote a hit piece against White moments after he won the MNGOP endorsement. It took only minutes for White to respond via Twitter to the Pioneer Press's hit piece.

In his tweet, White wrote "There used to be a time when the great Pioneer Press was credible enough to get a man's age right. But they sure didn't miss the spelling on "Black Lives Matter" did they? And that's the whole problem. I never marched with BLM, they marched with The Federal Reserve. As soon as the higher ups in BLM run mainstream media figured out I wasn't there to pitch the same ol story and smart enough to speak about a much deeper money problem, they quickly decided this Black man's life DOESN'T MATTER so much. Kind've like now..." Check out this picture:

Here's Royce White's tweet in toto: Introducing Royce White:

Royce White has an uphill fight but that isn't stopping him from talking common sense about the issues. This guy doesn't speak like a politician. He speaks like a neighbor, a co-worker, your friend from church. The GOP, whether it's here in Minnesota or nationwide, needs to recruit people like that.


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