Joe Biden's rose-colored glasses economic perspective

It didn't take long for people to realize that Joe Biden wasn't the brightest bulb in the political chandelier. After half a century of listening to his drivel, though, it's getting impossible to listen to him talk about how great Bidenomics is. Biden is either viewing the economy through rose-colored glasses or he's just lying. I think it's the latter.

The Daily Mail is reporting that "President Joe Biden stubbornly refused to admit Americans' struggles with inflation might cost him the election in a rare interview Wednesday. A growing economy could inspire confidence in Biden's leadership ahead of the election, but the issue of persistent inflation could ruin that."

David Axelrod criticized Biden for how Biden talked about the economy, saying "I don't understand this. I don't understand all these months later, you know, I thought they spent $25 million mistakenly last fall touting Bidenomics and making the same argument that the president is making here."

Axelrod is right. Biden's campaign did spend a ton of money arguing with the American people, insisting that the difficulties they were experiencing just couldn't be true because Biden's preferred statistics told a different story:

The whopper in Biden's interview with Erin Burnett was when he said that inflation was 9% when he was inaugurated. Perhaps that's what Biden's mind is telling him. Perhaps, Biden's just lying. In Biden's mental capacity, it's impossible to know what he believes. What isn't difficult to determine, though, is what the inflation rate was when he was inaugurated. I noted in this article that CPI inflation on Inauguration Day, 2021 was 1.4%. There wasn't a year during Trump's term in office that CPI inflation topped 2%. Where Biden gets his 9% CPI inflation when he started is mind-boggling. It's simply BS. The national average price for a gallon of gasoline was $2.39. It wasn't until July, 2022 that the national average price for a gallon of gasoline topped $5.00. That's a year-and-a-half into Biden's term. Jen Psaki starred in this spin-filled video about "Putin's Price Hike":

Here's why oil companies stopped investing in new wells:

Why invest in something that the president of the United States says he's going to eliminate? It's as if Biden is telling oil companies to invest to save his backside politically. If he wants more investment in oil projects, then he's got to stop trying to kill their industry. FYI- Biden has been part of a team that's tried killing the oil industry twice. The first time, he was VP. This time, he's the president.

I'd rather fire him this November and elect a president who's willing to Drill, Baby, Drill. The equation is simple. Increasing production will lower prices. Biden likes telling people that we're producing a record amount of oil, which was technically true. At the end of the Trump administration, the U.S. was producing 13.2 million BPD. For a short while, production during Biden's term increased to 13.3 milion BPD before dropping off to 12.8 million BPD. Until Biden straightens out his energy policy, inflation will remain high and our standard of living will continue getting worse.


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