Joe Biden's repeated inflation whopper

Joe Biden is making things impossible for honest people to decide who's the most dishonest public figure in the U.S. Imagine the difficulty in determining whether Joe Biden is the most dishonest person in the U.S. or if it's Michael Cohen.

Mr. Cohen has spent the past 2 days testifying in the Trump Hush Money trial. Officially, it's known as NY v. Trump. According to this article, Cohen is a convicted perjurer. Additionally, he's lied to the IRS, to Congress in depositions and in testimony in the Bragg kangaroo court (my wording).

Compare that with the fact that Biden repeated the lie he told a week ago when Biden said that inflation was 9% when he took office 4 years ago. That isn't just a lie. I'd call it a whopper. I suspect that it's the type of lie that the Washington Post would rate as a 'bottomless Pinocchio.'

Joe Biden isn't interested in slowing government spending. He's interested in accelerating spending. Pre-pandemic, federal spending was $4.5 Trillion. The pandemic added another trillion dollars in spending to the budget baseline. Most of that trillion should've been erased from spending once the pandemic ended.

Instead, Biden's budget this year asks to spend $7.3 Trillion. This morning, we'll get this month's CPI inflation report. I expect that report to show inflation heading in the wrong direction. But I digress. When Biden took office, the CPI inflation rate was 1.4%, not 9%:

President Biden again claimed Tuesday that the annual US inflation rate was 9% when he took office in January 2021 — when it actually was 1.4% and didn’t pass 9% until 17 months into his term — as he attempted to deflect public disenchantment with the economy.

The 81-year-old president made the incorrect assertion when asked during a brief interview with Yahoo Finance why families don’t feel very "wealthy" right now.

"I think inflation has gone slightly up. It was at 9% when I came in and it’s now down to about 3%," Biden claimed, illogically.

Here's Biden's initial whopper about 9% inflation:

That came during Biden's interview with CNN's Erin Burnett. This is Biden's interview with Yahoo Finance from yesterday:

That's 2 whoppers in a week. How do you determine whether Joe Biden is a bigger liar than Michael Cohen -- or vice versa?


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