Ilhan Omar's defense of antisemitism

When it comes to defending antisemitism, Rep. Ilhan Omar, (DFL- MN) will do virtually anything to defend the indefensible. During a hearing of the House Education Committee, Omar responded to a video showing "anti-Israel protesters [preventing] a Jewish student wearing a Star of David necklace from walking on campus." Rep. Omar asked UCLA Chancellor Gene Block "whether the student would still be able to access the campus via other routes."

Omar asked Chancellor Block "Chancellor Block, just for clarification, that video we just watched, we saw people moving around. Was it possible, do you think, for that student to be able to get into campus? Was that student actually being blocked from entering campus?" What type of idiotic argument is that? 

Would Rep. Omar, (DFL-MN), make the same argument if some Jewish students intimidated Kafiyah-wearing Palestinians and prevented the Palestinians from getting to class? Omar wouldn't put up with that for a New York split-second. One of the U.S. Constitution's great protections is equal protection under the law. It protects Jew, Gentile and Palestinian equally. Here's the video of the Jewish student being stopped:

This isn't what peaceful protests look like:

Taking over a public building is a criminal act. Those people should be immediately arrested. In another instance, Kafiyah-wearing young people prevented reporters from reporting. That's a violation of that reporter's First Amendment right to freedom of the press. That's another criminal action that Rep. Omar is defending.

From that short video, Rep. Omar defended 2 criminal actions and the violation of a reporter's constitutionl rights in the furtherance of justification of letting well-financed antisemitic protests. Is that conduct appropriate for members of congress? I don't think so. Then there's this:

Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-N.C., slammed UCLA’s leaders for having “allowed their campus to become a severe and pervasive, hostile environment for Jewish students, standing by as students, faculty, and affiliates were assaulted and harassed. For days, the unlawful encampment’s checkpoints illegally denied students access to campus buildings," the North Carolina lawmaker added.

Foxx claimed that "Jewish students were attacked, harassed, and intimidated for walking on their own campus" and students were "denied a safe and uninterrupted learning environment."

It's time for UCLA to stop coddling these tyrants. Thus far, we've captured on film Palestinian protesters breaking laws and violating students' civil rights. I hope the Trump DOJ investigates these incidents, then prosecutes them whenever applicable.


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