Bernie Sanders, the antisemitic Jew

Bernie Sanders is one of the nastiest Democrats in the U.S. He's so nasty that, though he's Jewish, he's opposed to Israel getting "another nickel" of support in military supplies from the U.S. during the war that Hamas started. What's worst is that Sen. Sanders is far from alone in that thinking amongst Democrats.

Appearing on NBC's Meet the Press, Sen. Sanders said "Any objective observer knows Israel has broken international law, it has broken American law, and in my view, Israel should not be receiving another nickel in U.S. military aid. Look the facts are quite clear. Hamas is a terrible disgusting terrorist organization that began this war. Though what Israel has done over the last seven months has not just gone to war against Hamas, it has gone to war against the entire Palestinian people. And results have been absolutely catastrophic."

What Sen. Sanders intentionally omits is the fact that Hamas intentionally uses Palestinian civilians as human shields during war. Further, Biden and Sen. Sanders haven't said that Biden is holding Israel to a totally unrealistic standard for war. When's the last war when civilian casualties were this low? Further, the munitions that Biden is withholding from Israel will produce more civilian casualties than if Israel uses so-called dumb bombs. What's most disgusting is Sen. Sanders' repetition of Hamas's propaganda on civilian casualties:

These are statistics from the Palestinian Health Ministry, which is run by Hamas. Why did Sen. Sanders trust terrorists' casualty reports while condemning Israel? What's causing Sen. Sanders to hate Israelis while trusting Hamas? Is he that stupid?

Sen. Sanders' Stupidity

"Every Republican, as I understand it, wants to give huge amounts of money to Israel. My guess is many Republicans want Israel to go into Rafah despite the incredible humanitarian destruction that will cause. And there are Democrats who also feel that way," Sanders said. "That is not what the American people feel. Poll after poll suggests that the American people want an immediate ceasefire. They want massive humanitarian aid to get in. People of our country do not want to be complicit in the starvation of hundreds of thousands of children."
If Sen. Sanders thinks that "poll after poll shows that the American people want an immediate cease-fire" then he's spent too much time at the Columbia Encampment or Hamilton Hall. Hasn't he grasped that these encampments are the product of America-hating billionaires who've made their billions in foreign countries? These aren't grassroots movements. They're astroturf organizations.

Bernie Sanders still has more of his faculties than Joe Biden. That doesn't mean he's that bright. Anyone that thinks that socialism is a legitimate economic model isn't that bright.

Finally, yes, most Republicans likely want Israel to finish Hamas by raiding Rafah. Getting rid of terrorists is always the right thing to do.


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