Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Constitution v. Alejandro Mayorkas, Chuck Schumer, Joe Biden

Yesterday, GOP senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee wrote this op-ed in the WSJ in their attempt to thwart Sen. Chuck Schumer's attempt to not hold an impeachment trial for Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Sen. Cruz and Sen. Lee have accused Secretary Mayorkas and President Biden of intentionally not enforcing the immigration laws of the U.S.

Yesterday, Sen. Cruz issued this statement on why it's essential to hold a legitimate trial on Secretary Mayorkas' articles of impeachment. Sen. Cruz emphatically states that Schumer's biggest reason for not holding a legitimate trial is to prevent vulnerable senators from voting against convicting Secretary Mayorkas of committing high crimes and misdemeanors.

Sen. Cruz wrote "During its ordinary business, the Senate routinely takes up motions to table legislation and other matters. But when sitting as a court of impeachment, the chamber operates under special rules that resemble a court’s process to preserve justice, protect the accused person’s due-process rights, and ultimately render judgment on the charges. The impeachment rules have no provision for a motion to table."

There's a reason for the Senate impeachment rules not having a provisison for tabling a trial. This trial isn't a political event. It's a trial with special rules. It's to be treated with solemnity, not as Adam Schiff's and Jamie Raskin's clown shows. Secretary Mayorkas is accused of not enforcing the immigration laws of the United States, including allowing the invasion of U.S. sovereign territory by cartels to sell illicit drugs, engage in sex trafficking and human trafficking and to smuggle terrorists into the U.S. This is what Schumer's Democrats fear most:

Republicans have respected this process. We were in the majority during President Trump’s first impeachment, in 2020. We fulfilled our constitutional duty and held a full trial on the floor. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, Senate Democrats are trying to destroy yet another precedent and further politicize the impeachment process. They want to avoid an uncomfortable election-year discussion about President Biden’s biggest failure: the U.S. southern border invasion. Democrats will shatter another norm and set a dangerous precedent that they’re going to regret.
Check this out:

The last thing that Jon Tester, Tammy Baldwin, Sherrod Brown or Bob Casey want to have to do is vote on whether Secretary Mayorkas has done his job of enforcing the border and whether he's intentionally neglected his responsibilities. The other thing these Democrats want to do is have a high-profile trial happen on mid-day TV where the extensive evidence is put on full display and where Democrats are forced to defend the Biden administration's indefensible actions. Alejandro Mayorkas and Chuck Schumer are definitely on trial but they aren't the only Democrats on trial. So is Joe Biden. Mayorkas is just following Biden's orders. Don't let Schumer sweep this national disgrace under the Senate's rug. Force him to vote up or down whether Mayorkas and Biden have fulfilled their responsibilities.


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