Joe Biden, pro-Palestinian protesters are racists, antisemites

If people tell me that Joe Biden isn't the biggest whopper-telling commander-in-chief, I don't believe it.  If that's what they tell me, I'd quickly ask them if they're a delegate for the DNC in Chicago this August. Joe Biden often has portrayed himself as a civil rights hero but the truth is that he's a civil rights blowhard.

Joe Biden is betraying Jewish voters. There was a time when Jewish voters were legitimate civil rights leaders. It isn't difficult to find examples like Alan Dershowitz marching with African-American civil rights leaders. Because of their strong moral compass, they meshed quite nicely.

That hasn't stopped Biden from telling whoppers like this:

Biden told Stern: "She said, ‘Joey, let me — remember’ — true story, she said — 'Remember when they were desegregating Lynnfield, the neighborhood … suburbia — and I told you — and there was a Black family moving in and there was — people were down there protesting; I told you not to go down there and you went down, remember that? And you got arrested standing on the porch with a Black family? And they brought you back, the police?' And I said, 'Yeah, Mom, I remember that.'"
The Post and PolitiFact did find that there were protests roughly matching Biden’s description in early 1959, when Biden was 16 years old, in communities not far from Biden’s home in Delaware. Crowds protested against a Black couple that had bought a home in a previously all-White community and against the realtor who sold it to them.

But the Wilmington News Journal reported that the four teenagers arrested at the protest at the couple’s home were arrested for possessing fireworks — and that all seven of the arrests that day were of people in the anti-integration crowd outside the home. The newspaper reported that the police on scene were defending the home and the Black couple. It also quoted one member of the couple as saying, "Nobody’s behind us."

Biden doesn't tell the truth that often. Whenever Biden says "true story", it's his tell that he's lying. Why shouldn't people think that Biden is just another dime-a-dozen politician? He's been friends with someone from the KKK (Robert C. Byrd) and some segregationists (Sens. John Stennis, James O. Eastland and Herman Talmadge.) Biden "even praised George Wallace, an Alabama governor and segregationist presidential candidate." These days, Biden is siding with antisemites, aka pro-Palestinian protesters. Further, Biden isn't letting Israel defeat Hamas just so he won't lose Michigan's electoral votes. Talk about situational ethics. This is who Biden is siding with:

Joe Biden isn't rebuilding the Democrats' civil rights legacy. He's rebuilding the Democrats' Jim Crow reality. When George Wallace stood in the doorway to stop African-American students from joining white students, he was applauded by Dixiecrats across the South. When Joe Biden sides with anti-semites, he's siding with people who hate Jews. What part of that sounds like a man who's worried about America's soul?


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