Joe Biden's senior moment keeps growing

The AP is reporting that Joe Biden is feeling a little cocky these days. The AP is reporting "The big news this week, President Joe Biden said at a weekend Washington roast, was that two candidates had clinched their party’s nomination for president. But one was too old, too mentally unfit for the job, he said. 'The other’s me,' Biden quipped."

That's rich. Then again, Democrats aren't known for being honest. Perhaps Joe should remember that he's the guy who visited North Carolina, gave a speech, then ended his speech by turning to shake hands with a ghost. Thank God he didn't freeze on the world stage. Oh wait. He did. Actually, Joe Biden specializes in freezing on the world stage.

Actually, that isn't entirely true. Biden is quite good at looking like a blithering idiot here at home, too. If we want a president who isn't frequently confused, then Joe Biden isn't the choice. Check this out:

Which way do I go?

Just watch me:

Joe, we watched. We didn't like what we saw. We The People want to express our thoughts by using your predecessor's famous line:


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