Joe Biden shafts Israel, Israel rejects U.S. chaos

Joe Biden can't help himself. The Biden administration's foreign policy mistakes just keep coming. This morning, the U.S. abstained from voting on a U.N. Security Council resolution that calls "for a ceasefire in Gaza." The U.S. abstention allowed for the UNSC resolution to pass on a vote of 14 yays, no nays and the U.S. abstention. Had the U.S. voted no, which it should have done, the resolution would've gotten vetoed.

Instead, Israeli PM Netanyahu is forced into negotiating with Hamas terrorists for Israel's hostages from a position of weakness. Despite the U.S. not voting on the resolution, John Kirby, the NSC's designated liar, insisted that U.S. policy toward Israel hadn't changed.

Kirby lied when he said "Today as you all know, we abstained on a U.N. Security Council resolution calling for a cease-fire in Gaza, until the end of Ramadan and the release of all the hostages. Our vote does not, -I repeat does not- represent a shift in our policy. We've been very clear, we've been very consistent in our support for a ceasefire as a part of a hostage deal. That's how the hostage deal was structured, and the resolution acknowledges the ongoing talks."

That's a pile of BS. The policy now forces Israel to invade Rafah. Hamas is emboldened by this Biden administration stunt. They'll now take a hardline position with the Israeli hostages. That isn't just a change. That's a major change.

Rather than sitting still, PM Netanyahu took action:

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday said he will not send a delegation as planned to Washington after the United States refrained from vetoing a U.N. Security Council proposal calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.

Netanyahu, according to a statement from his office, said that Washington's failure to block the proposal was a "clear retreat" from its previous position, and would hurt war efforts against Hamas, as well as efforts to release over 130 hostages in Gaza captivity.

That's the second time Biden has abstained from helping Israel. The previous time they pulled this stunt, he was Obama's VP. This time, though, Israel is at war with Hamas:

Thge next time Biden, Kirby, KJP or Jake Sullivan tell you that this administration stands steadfast with Israel, shove today's vote back in their mouth. The Biden administration is more anti-Israel than Obama's administration was. Don't forget that the Obama administration gave us the JCPOA with Iran.

Foreign newspapers are the best ads against the Biden administration. They don't hide the pesky little details that U.S. corporate media won't report. It's long past time to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.


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