Hunting for Hunter Biden

I'm old enough to remember when Abbe Lowell, the high-priced mouthpiece to high-profile spoiled rich kids (think Hunter Biden), said that his client (the aforementioned Hunter Biden) wouldn't sit for a House deposition. Lowell said that Hunter would only testify at an open hearing. Apparently, Lowell's word is as worthless as Joe or Hunter Biden's word.

Lowell backed down. Hunter sat for a closed-door deposition. Today, Lowell said that Hunter will be a no-show for the House open hearing. Fox News is reporting "House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer is expected to open the hearing by explaining that throughout the impeachment inquiry, investigators have 'found no credible evidence of the Bidens providing any work product' and has 'identified no legitimate value or document or even one single hour of work that the Bidens have provided their business partners.'"

It's possible that Joe Biden understood that Hunter isn't that good of a witness to pull it off in front of cameras. He isn't talented like a Bill Clinton or a Barack Obama, which is what's required for moments like this.

"What is apparent, after over a year of investigation, is that the Bidens do not work in any traditional sense of the word. They do not work as consultants. Or lawyers. Or advisors. The Bidens don’t sell a product or a service or a set of skills," Comer will say, according to excerpts of his opening statement obtained by Fox News Digital. "The Bidens sell Joe Biden.

Comer will say that Joe Biden "has taken action after action to further his family’s plans to get rich."

"The scam is simple. The Biden family promises they can make a foreign partner’s problems go away by engaging the U.S. government," Comer will say. "It’s done over and over again. The Biden family promises Joe’s power, Joe Biden shows up, and millions of dollars come into the Bidens’ pockets."

This isn't that complicated. The Biden Crime Syndicate has sold Joe as their influencer since he was a senator and chairman of some powerful committees. Don't forget that Joe chaired the "high-tech lynching" of Clarence Thomas in 1991. Joe also chaired the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, too, where he undoubtedlymade lots of high-profile contacts on the international stage.

Jim Jordan got to the heart of the matter at today's hearing. Check this out:

Chairman Jamie Comer got in this shot at Lowell:
Hunter Biden for months stated he wanted a public hearing, but now that one has been offered alongside his business associates that he worked with for years, he is refusing to come. During our deposition and interview phase of our investigation, Hunter Biden confirmed key evidence, including evidence that his father, President Joe Biden, lied to the American people about his family’s business dealings and, in fact, attended meetings, spoke on speakerphone and had coffee with his foreign business associates who collectively funneled millions to the Bidens.
The point is that a Biden's trustworthiness is worthless. Joe Biden isn't going to get convicted on articles of impeachment. The best thing to do in that situation is to make Joe look untrustworthy to the point that people won't vote for him. In this news segment, Alexandria Hoff reported that the Obama administration thought highly of Ukrainian investigator Viktor Shokin:

Compare that with Joe Biden demanding Shokin getting fired to get a $1,000,000,000 check from the IMF:

John Solomon of Just The News has unveiled the State Department document showing the State Department's approval of the job Viktor Shokin was doing:
Just months before Joe Biden forced his firing, Ukraine's chief prosecutor was told by U.S. State Department officials that they were "impressed" with his anti-corruption plan and fully supportive of his work, according to newly released memos that cast doubt on a key Democrat impeachment narrative.
But the memos obtained by Just the News and the Southeastern Legal Foundation under a Freedom of Information Act request show senior State Department officials — including then-Secretary of State John Kerry — were sending the opposite message to Shokin the summer before his firing.

"We have been impressed with the ambitious reform and anti-corruption agenda of your government," then-Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland personally wrote Shokin in an official letter dated June 9, 2015 that was delivered to the prosecutor two days later by then-U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt.

Just because the MSM won't report on this doesn't mean that the Biden family's corruption didn't exist. This FOIA request document states the opposite of what Joe Biden said in getting Shokin fired. The clown show is indeed in town. The thing is that the Chief Clown lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.


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