DFL proposes Universal Basic Income for illegal aliens

Earlier this session, the DFL legislature proposed a bill that would've made Minnesota a sanctuary state. Thankfully, that bill was stopped. The DFL is nothing if not persistent. They've given up on that initiative (for now). Instead of that, the DFL is pushing a bill that would "establish a pilot program" that "would sprinkle $100,000,000 across the state in the form of no less than $500 monthly payments to certain low-income Minnesotans, including illegal aliens."

Alpha News is reporting that "Rep. Athena Hollins, DFL-St. Paul, introduced HF2666 last year. The bill didn’t receive a hearing amidst a historic legislative session where Democrats spent down a $17.5 billion surplus and increased the state budget by more than 38 percent. But with news earlier this month that the state has a projected $3.7 billion surplus, Hollins’ bill received a hearing in the House Children and Families Committee." This is the Trifecta at work.

Here's the DFL 'villain' this time:

Walter Hudson offers his opinion on the bill: If you weren't infuriated already, you will be after this report:

According to Fox9's reporting, 300% of the Federal Poverty Level, aka FPL, is "the median income, meaning that half of Minnesota" would be eligible for this 'income.' This is insanity on steroids times 50. The DFL must know that it isn't possible to sustain this for very long.

First, this is just a "pilot program", meaning that the DFL intends for this welfare program to grow. Giving $100,000,000 away at the rate of $500 a month for 18 months means that approximately 10,000 people would initially be eligible for this welfare program. The American Dream isn't based on giving people money. It's built upon principles of competition, innovation and hard work. Athena Hollins' bill incorporates none of those principles.

It's time to light up the DFL's phone lines at the Capitol until this program is killed and put into its grave once-and-for-all. Next, it's essential that we elect capitalists. It's time to eliminate anti-American socialists like Rep. Hollins. Why would we want a society based on giving money away vs. a society built on innovation, productivity and hard work?

A society that's built on not valuing innovation, productivity and hard work won't prioritize a society that's safe, either.


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